Chapter 6

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"Where should we go? We can't stay in Seattle."Miranda says consoling baby Tuck in her arms.

"We could seek cover, like find a military base or something and stay there." Alex states.

"We could go to Washington DC. If anything they would protect the president." Callie adds looking around.

"We could go to Fort Benning" Teddy adds to the conversation.

"We could go to the CDC Headquarters." Meredith states. 

Everyone goes quite.
"What? They would be working on a cure wouldn't they?" Meredith says in an obvious tone.
The ambulance is filled with murmurs of agreement.
"Can we please talk about the giant elephant in the room? Where are we going and what the hell are we going to do?" April says in an exasperated voice.
"Okay I think we should Go to the CDC like Grey said and what were going to do is simple. We're going to survive." Says the driver of the vehicle.
"Okay but how Mark?"
"We have food and water and this is sort of a shelter. We can get gas from cars and survive that way."
"We have the scalpels which actually work well as defense." Derek chimes in.
"So its just going to be us against the world?" Lexi asks.
"Exactly." Bailey says
"Well I think we should pull over and regroup once we get off the interstate." April says.
The occupants of the ambulance a free with April. By nightfall the large load of cars backing up traffic decreases by half.
"Everyone needs to get a good night sleep. Tomorrow morning we'll hit Sacramento and then LA."Mark says
"Why are we staying by the coast?" Richard asks.
"We are going to be walking into busy cities places where most won't be because of the broadcast."Owen explains
"The broadcast said it wasn't safe in major cities." Meredith comments
"Well it isn't going to be safe anywhere" Christina says
"I think Mark is right." A small voice connecting to Teddy says.
"Why?" April asks.
"If we stay by the coast,and we could possibly find a little boat or ship for us to live out on water." Teddy states.
"Yes but-" Miranda says.
"All in favor?"Meredith raises her voice.
Everyone except Meredith, Derek and Miranda raise their hands.
"Well the ayes have it." Callie announces.
"So as I said earlier, get a good night rest." Mark says.
Owen wakes up the gang in the morning.
"We are here." He says pulling up behind of a brick building.
Derek utters the plan for the day.
"We are going to have two people stay here with the kids and the rest of us are going to go inside and clear out any zombies if there are any. This seems like a two story building. So half will take the bottom floor the rest the top. Two will guard the entrance." He rambles out.
"I'll stay" Lexi says.
"So will I." agrees Kepner
"Okay. Chief and I have the entrance. Teddy, Evil Spawn, Callie, and Arizona, first floor. Derek, Mere, Mark, Owen and Jackson, second floor. Everyone got that?" the cardio goddess states briefly.
Nods are given. Derek and Meredith hand their children to Lexi. April has Sofia and Little Tuck in her arms.
"Weapons ready?" Bailey asks
The silence is deafening as Derek opens the ambulance doors and immediately plunges a scalpel in the forehead of a zombie. Jumping out of the vehicle, he removes his scalpel and Bailey slides hers swiftly into an eye ball and pulls the foreign object out and lets the officially dead body fall to the ground as the rest of the gang falls out the ambulance and shuts the doors leaving the children and two women behind.

Teddy runs towards the back door that breaks the brick pattern of the building.  She slides her scalpel into the mushed skin of a creeper and kicks the body away from her as she retracts the protruding implement. 

"All clear!" Alex yells the signal out to the group. 

Teddy opens the door and the crew follows the door to a hallway leading to a stairwell.  

"Me and Cristina have it here! Go on and come get us when there is an 'all clear'!"  Webber calls to the crew from the door.

Derek calls back an agreement.

"Everyone remember their assignments?" Arizona asks.

There is an agreement and soft goodbyes given as four walk through the first floor door and another five walk up the stairs, fearing the horror that awaits them.  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2016 ⏰

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