Sins Of The Fallen

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Pride awoke unaware of where he was. His body ached and burned as he tried to move. With what little movement he made he could see through the dark that he was in a small bedroom wrapped in bandages. He sat up and was instantly greeted with screaming muscles forcing him back down on the bed. Mustering what strength he could, he lifted his hand onto his face and silently counted to three. Once he reached three, he used his power to heal his body. Every broken bone, every slice tendon, every single pain receptor fired as his body began to heal. His fingers began to dig into his face as he struggled to fight off the pain. It became too much for him to bear and he ripped his hand off his face. Out of breath and in pain, Pride laid in bed for a moment. His body was far from 100% but it would have to do. Who knows why he was here and where here was, but he wasn't going to lie around to try and find out the hard way. He slid out of bed and made his way to the door. Every step he made screamed louder than the rest, the pain to move let alone stand was more than he could bear but he pushed through. Reaching the door, Pride pressed his back against the wall. Slowly turned the handle, he began to open the door. Pride readied himself in case he had to fight his way out. As the door was nearly halfway open the air escaped his lungs and he couldn't breathe. His body felt light but he fell to the floor like a rock. Pride began coughing furiously; blood and chunks of his organs flying out. Despite his efforts to heal he was in too bad of a condition to fight anymore. Pride laid there coughing up blood, wondering if this was how he would die. Out of the corner of his eye a figure ran through the door. The figure propped Pride on his side allowing him to breathe easier. Pride couldn't make out the figure, but he could tell by their touch that they were gentle and caring. As the coughing subsided, Pride was sat up and placed against the wall while the figure went into the other room. Pride felt like a child being cared for by a mother; weak and helpless. The lights in the room exploded and Pride was blinded forcing him to close his eyes. As he reopened them, he was greeted up close and personal with a young woman. She was easily in her early to mid-20's with long dark blonde hair. She wore blood-stained scrubs which told Pride that she was a nurse. Her skin was soft and smooth, her eyes warm and reassuring.

"I'm sorry, I should have been here when you woke up. Right now the last thing you need to do is over exert yourself." She spoke her voice seemingly having a calming tone to it. Pride's pain seemed to settle down as she spoke. Pride took a moment to pull himself together before he spoke.

She will fall like all the others.

Pride took a breath to speak but instead of speaking, Pride began another blood-filled coughing fit. Chunks of what he could only assume were of his internal organs seemed to go flying everywhere; Yet she seemed calm about it, helping him stay up. When the coughing subsided Pride tried again to speak.

"Where am I?" His voice rough and horse.

"My apartment, my brother and I found you lying on the sidewalk decided to lend a hand. I'm a nurse so I could tell you weren't going to last much longer without help. It just so happens I lived nearby so we brought you here." The woman explained.

"Brother?" Pride asked.

"He's not here at the moment. He had to run out for an emergency, but he should be back soon." She smiled. It was strange, but to Pride, her smile seemed to numb the pain.

They will never understand

"I can't stay, I must ......" Pride tried to stand up, but the pain caused him to fall back down.

"I'm not sure if you've haven't noticed but you're in no condition to walk, let alone leave." She informed him. Pride sighed, admitting defeat. "I'm Lucy by the way. I just realized that we weren't properly introduced." Lucy smiled. It put Pride at ease, causing him to smile.

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