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After several long hours of fighting and driving, Pride finally gave in and agreed to call it a night so they could rest at a hotel. As Greed sorted out the rooms, Pride and Lucy went to a nearby convenience store to stock up on supplies. It was late in the evening so not many people were out. As Pride and Lucy walked back to the hotel with arms full of bags, they chatted to each other.

"How much do you want to bet that Sam's still asleep?" Lucy asked. Pride thought for a moment before he chuckled his answer.

"Why do I feel like this is a one-sided question?" Pride remarked.

"True, but I'd like to see if you're a betting man" Lucy smiled.

"Ask Greed, that's his wheelhouse." Pride said.

"It's strange to see how Greed went from enemy number one to world's best friend." Lucy noted. Pride sat down at a park bench and stared up at the night sky.

"It's the curse. We're given ultimate power at the cost of our souls. Believe it or not, we didn't always care about the power. Once upon a time we were just happy to be alive, until we started to indulge in our sins." Pride explained

"So, Greed wasn't always a Golden boy?" Lucy laughed as she sat next to him.

"No, he's always been like that. It's the nasty selfish Greed that wasn't who he was. You'll see once we free the Sins how different they are." Pride said, lost in the stars.

"See something?" Lucy asked as she started to gaze into the stars.

"Hope. For the first time in centuries I finally feel like I have a chance." Pride said as his body began to feel heavy.

"A chance for what?" Lucy's voice seemed distant.

"To save my family...." Pride spoke as he fell asleep. A figure stood before him in a dark room, his head bowed; A single light hung above the figure. This wasn't like any dream that Pride had before. The figure in front of him bore no resemblance to Alcara and had no wings. As Pride took a step towards the figure a voice echoed throughout the room.

"Seven little sins, all minding their own business; One got a little greedy and then there were six." The voice came from the figure. It was similar to that of a demon's, but it was as if there were two people speaking. Horror and anger spread throughout Pride's body as he realized who was speaking.

"Six little sins, all aware of the plan; will the spineless come out on top..." The figure's head lifted to show his pulsating red eyes and demonic smile. "Or will he fall where he stands?" The figure charged at Pride before he woke up. His heart was racing as he quickly looked around for his assailant. Pride was back on the bench, Lucy asleep next to him. He gently shook her awake. Her eyes slowly opened and stared at him, the blue shining like sapphires in the night sky.

"I didn't realize that I dozed off." Pride joked.

"Surprising for someone who doesn't need sleep." Lucy laughed.

"Hey, Sins like to dream too." Pride said. Lucy laughed and smiled; Pride wanted to enjoy this moment, but the haunting nightmare sat in the back of his mind. "We should probably get back; If we leave Sam with Greed any longer, he might kill him." Pride said as he stood up and walked back towards the hotel with Lucy in tow. After dropping off the supplies in the SUV, they found the two grown men arguing like children in the lobby.

"We can't leave you alone for a second, can we?" Pride said.

"Good, you two are here. We can finally go to our rooms" Greed said.

The Seven Deadly Sins Of AlcaraWhere stories live. Discover now