The Twin Demon Hunters

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Lucy hated working late, swearing that she would never do it again. Yet she knew she had said that last time and would say it again the next time. As a nurse, the hours were long, and the job was hard, but she enjoyed helping people and would gladly do it again. As she walked out of the she spotted her younger brother Samuel waiting for her.

"Good Evening." Sam greeted his sister.

"What? My dear brother has decided to join me in walking home." Lucy sounded surprised.

"After today, it's too dangerous to be out on our own." Sam tried to sound serious.

"And that is?" Lucy asked, curious to her brother's tone as they began to head home.

"Remember my friend, the one who works for the police?" Sam asked, walking alongside Lucy.

"Is this the same friend that you didn't kiss on a drunken bet?" Lucy snickered.

"Yeah, that one" Sam mumbled, before clearing his throat. "Anyways there was a young woman killed this morning and they found a young suspect in the alley not far from the crime scene." Sam explained.

"Is he the one who killed her?" Lucy asked.

"Maybe, they found him tied up, so they think that maybe someone saw him do it then caught him." Sam said.

"So, you're saying that this boy killed a woman then was captured by Batman?" Lucy laughed.

"No, listen..." Sam began before getting lost in his train of thought. He seemed to be daydreaming until Lucy snapped him back.

"Kid tied up?" She pushed Sam, bringing him back to reality.

"So, they find this kid beaten up, wounded, and tied up at the end of the ally babbling on and on. He's got this weird tattoo on his face. My buddy decides to take a picture of it and sends it to me." Sam continues.

"Why?" Lucy asked.

"Because it's not just any tattoo, It's a mark!" Sam smiled.

"A mark?" Lucy asked.

"Yeah, it's like a crest or a signature. It basically identifies......." Sam babbled.

"Sam, I know what a mark is, why did he have one?" Lucy said.

"Not sure. My buddy tried to ask the kid, but he keeps repeating the same thing." Sam spoke.

"That being?" Lucy asked.

"Hold on, don't want to ruin the story." Sam said. Lucy sighed and let him continue. "Anyways, I took a look at the mark and went through some of my notes before I recognized it as the mark of Greed." Sam smiled, proud of what he had accomplished.

"So...the kid was marked by greed?" Lucy asked, unsure of what her brother was saying. Sam's smile disappeared as his ego deflated.

"Not the sin, The Devil of Greed." Sam explained. Lucy stopped walking and looked at her brother.

"As in one of the Seven Devil of Earth. Seven of the deadliest demons to roam the earth. Who are rumored to be feared by the Demon King himself, left their mark on a kid." Lucy said.

"But wait there's more. The only thing the kid was saying was a name. It was Pride." Sam smiled.

"Another devil?" Lucy asked. Sam nodded his head, expecting a pat on the back.

"I can't believe you fell for that stupid story." Lucy scoffed before walking off. Sam stared at Lucy for a moment before running to catch her.

"What do you mean fell......" Sam began.

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