What Happened?

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After a heated battle with Savatar Barry Allen defeated that monster who's sole persons was to kill Barry and take his place but he ultimately failed as Barry killed Savatar it was the only way and after the team celebrated their victory but soon the clouds started forming throughout the whole city and lightning of all colors started striking as the team made it out of Star Labs they noticed a portal open and The SpeedFroce walked out and started talking to Barry and his team.

My beautiful boy you have made some mistakes that some may consider unforgivable and some might consider it as desperation, but none the less it should be punished you broke the rules of the cosmos Barry you have to pay for your actions no matter what was your motive to create flashpoint either good or bad it was still a crime that you committed, so now after you have defeated Savatar you have reached the finish line you have to pay for your sins. The SpeedForce finished and Barry nodded saying all his goodbyes and then he left through the portal but when he came through it he was in a different earth way darker then his own this was his punishment for creating Flashpoint so he paid for his sins for the last 5 years.

As Barry was getting geared up the door for his room was opened by a women with blond hair and a full mask covering her face as she deactivated the to show the Face of Kara Zoe-El aka Overgirl she was Barry's best friends on this earth apart from Sara Lance but she was not there yet as Kara tried to talk to Barry he shunned her I Don't want to hear it Kara Barry said with so much venom in his voice and left. As you know Earth-X is filled with Nazis. So in this world Nazis won World War II and continued their mission of dominance and unfortunately Barry couldn't do anything about it but then he met Kara and Sara all three of them became great friends as they started their training to become soldiers for this cause but Oliver Queen did not like Barry at all he thought of him as computation so he ruined everything for him he exposed Sara for liking Men and Women and the society shunned her they put her in a cell all by her self which hurt Marry the most and Kara got Married to Oliver when he proposed to her and this time it was Oliver and Kara who hurt Barry Oliver knew Barry was in Love with both Kara and Sara but he couldn't figure out who to make that work based on the environment they were in and Barry wasn't fast enough to help the women he lived not to mention when Barry first appeared in this earth his speed was taken by the scientist Hugo Strange and he became obsessed with Barry's speed that he injected himself with it but his old fragile body couldn't handle it and he died by having an heart attack, so Barry started putting in all of the work he had in learning fights going styles that were applied all around the world and Barry being Barry was a quick learner he mastered it all he even volunteered to be a test subject for the mirakuru serum to for him to become an enhanced super soldier Barry was one of the most impressive soldiers to ever join the Nazis it the resistance were way stronger then then at times but no one knew that Barry was the one who Lead the Resistance that's why they had a chance Barry change a lot he killed anyone who came in his way he at least Nazis one night he and the resistance tried to escape this earth back to earth one but Dark Arrow found it then Barry and Dark Arrow got into a heated fight Barry had the upper hand and he knock Oliver down which Oliver didn't take well and he shot one of the Resistance member with and arrow right in their chest killing them and that pissed Barry off to a whole another level and he took Oliver by the neck head butted him in the face breaking his nose and then Barry started Beating the actual shit out him Oliver managed to get some punched in just because Barry was angry until he knock out Oliver completely and then he was surrounded by the nazi guards then Barry pulled out the sword from his back and then he started absolutely slaughtering the guards killing all of them getting some blood stains on his suit which was all black and his sword was completely covered in blood, as the Resistance were still losing Winn told Barry to go Back home alone he knows way better then The Ray and Bruce agreed as he came Gliding with his Bat Suit to fight Overman Barry was hesitant at first but he knew sacrifices were had to make for the grater good of this Earth's future so he left through the breach before the power went out and then he was back in earth one but he was in the Arrow Cave and then felicity was shocked by looking at Barry bruised and then she hugged him being worried for her friend and then she called Oliver and he came in running and surprisingly hugged Barry as well it turned out that Barry was only gone for 5 months and then Barry explained everything as felicity was working trying to clean his brushes but when Barry took his top off there were way more bruises then he had let on Barry had more scars then Oliver turns out Earth-X was the worst Hell hole to be banished. So let me get this straight my duplegangure is the leader of the Nazis in a alternate Earth that you were sent to for punishment but you came back hear to ask for backup so you can help your other friends on Earth-X and not to mention that you have been there for the past 5 years and for us you have been gone for 5 months and also you have not aged a bit Oliver said to Barry to recap the things that Barry and then Barry nodded and said yup smiling a little as felicity was cleaning the wounds and after she was finally done Barry sat up and he put a black T-Shirt on so I need to get to Central City, Gotham City, National city and Metropolis and tell them all of this so I can get the back up that i promised them Barry said as he made his way towards the elevator, Wait!! felicity called towards and he turned around and then Oliver and felicity came close towards Barry and told him that they were having a wedding and that they told him to not tell the others until they were married and then Barry responded I can't I'm sorry Barry said wait Barry our wedding rehearsal dinner is tonight at jitters everyone is gonna be there and by what you've told us time works differently on Earth-X and tomorrow is the wedding so theoretically after the wedding all of us can go help you and not that much time would have passed felicity told and Barry hesitate at first but then he nodded his head so I can let you borrow one of my suits and we'll leave Oliver told Barry as he escorted him to the room with the tux and then they left as everyone in jitters were everyone was shocked to see Barry but they welcomed him like he was never gone as Barry caught up with his other friends he kind of acted weird with Kara and Sara and they clearly noticed and then after the speech that was given by Diggle and Barry went outside as Sara and Kara followed him as Barry saw them his heart stopped when he saw two women who looked exactly like the once he loved on Earth-X it was hard form him, Bair what happened? Yeah what happened Bair? Both women asked and Barry brushed it off told them to not worry which made them worry but then he got them to talk about their lives when they went back inside as they made their way upstairs towards the jitters Kara started talking about her new relationship with Lena apparently after Mon-El left Lena was there for Kara and then she just saw sparks when she kissed Lena unfortunately they did have a little fight when Kara didn't tell Lena that she was Supergirl earlier because they were best friends before they were in a relationship but they got through it she couldn't some the the rehearsal dinner because she was tired and she was at their hotel room resting but she would come to the wedding and Sara was also having relationships problems with a women named Ava Sharp and that she had a little crush on her and Barry nodded a little jealous but this Sara wasn't the one he was in love with so he had no right to be jealous but he couldn't help it
Earth-X's Sara was almost exactly like Earth 1's Sara but Barry gave her a sad smile and hugged her and Kara as Sara went downstairs towards Alex Kara and Barry were silent until Kara spoke so are we all supposed to ignore that Cisco told all of us that you were vanished to be punished by the SpeedForce which is the source of your power and the fact that it looks like you decussated mother and today you show up out of nowhere near jitters? that's kind of weird Kara said and then Barry huffed out a laugh, there's that journalist brain of yours Barry commented and Kara smiled at his and then she put her hand on his shoulder in concern for her Superfriend and then Barry shook his and then he looked at her all he could see was Overgirl one of the women he was crazy about, ............. I—I can't I promised Oliver and Felicity that after their Wedding I will tell everyone how I got back and then Kara frowned her brows a little confused but then Barry looked at her she was so beautiful Barry thought he can't make her sad for a moment he thought that maybe he should tell her but he already gave his word to Oliver and Felicity so he couldn't he cursed himself in his mind, Look Kara do you trust me? Barry asked and then Kara nodded her head of corse she said then just wait till tomorrow evening and I will tell everyone everything important about were I've been and how I got back ok? Barry asked pleading in his eyes and then Kara nodded and then she went back downstairs after the their conversation then everyone when back home Barry fort he first time went back to his apartment in 5 years and slept in his comfy bed that felt like a cloud and he fell asleep.

The next day Barry was surprisingly the first one to arrive at the church were Oliver and Felicity were having their wedding at and then after an hour and a half everyone who was in the guest list was in there as Oliver approached Barry and asked him to be his 2nd best man Ollie man you still want me to be the second best man I mean for you it's been 5 months which is a long time but for me it's been like 5 years man are sure? Barry asked and then Oliver smiled at Barry and nodded his head and Barry was on the alter looking at Thea and Kara as felicity was being walked down the isle she looked at Oliver with nothing but love I'm her eyes as she got to the alter, Today we are here to witness Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoke be together in the holy matrimony we'll I know these two belong together and how do I know that? That's because of the people who decided to take their time to witness these two's happiness so I will ask who ever wants to object please speak up or forever hold your peace and just after he said that he was reduced to ashes bu a laser been that Barry knew far to well as he looked at his left wide eyed, peace is overrated Overgirl said as she was floating following her lead were other Nazi guards with their MP-40 SMG's and leading them was a man in a hood who Barry knew who he exactly was, get everybody out of here Kara yelled and got into fighting Overgirl as Barry was surrounded by the guards but they were no match against Barry to say the least all of the guards were terrified by Barry they knew what he was capable of so Barry charged a guard braking his arm and head butting him knocking him out which everyone saw their expression was beyond shocked but Oliver got the message and went after the man in the hood how looked like he was waiting for someone else to fight as Oliver got ready to fight the hood Ollie took him by surprise but that didn't help him as the hood knocked him down as he was about to finish the job Barry held his hand that was holding a sword that was inches away from Oliver's face and Barry head butted him cracking the mask a little but the was ambushed by all the other guards as everyone watched the scenes ever guard were going for Barry but Barry got the bast of them all as he was ruthless to them he even picked up the MP-40 and shit everyone with it and killed them everyone looked amazed but they also helped Barry as much they could until Barry was taken by surprise when he was punched in the face by the hood and Barry stumbled back a little but then he got back up like it was nothing everyone looked at the scenes as Barry was fighting the hood who had a sword armor and an army but Barry still got the better of him as he dogged ever swing that the hood took then Barry literally took the sword and that the hood was using to block his face Barry punched it and broke it in half and the mask as the hood was on the ground he looked at Barry with disgust in his eyes as everyone looked shocked that it was Oliver's duplegangure then Kara stoped from the the roof with Overgirl was standing over her but then Kara slammed her hands together crating a sonic boom which cause some people to cover their eyers apart from Clark as Kara took Overgirl and punched her in the gut which sent her flying towards Oliver-X and then he said Fall Back throwing a smoke bomb and everyone was gone until there was a man who steeped out of the shadows who had the prometheus mask everyone expects Barry to kick his ass but instead he extended his hand for him to shake it and he gave him a bro hug and then Barry nodded his head looking at the mysterious man and then he took off his mask revealing that he was Tommy Merlan which caught Oliver off guard but then he looked at Barry and then he nodded his head to tell Oliver that they can trust him. We need to go to the base of operations this changes everting that I planned about this Barry announced to everyone which shocked everyone and then they followed Barry to Star Labs, Barry had a lot of explaining to do.

And there you have it I have posted two chapters of two different stories and on of which is brand new let me know Hmong you like it or not this story was inspired by LiammcNaught so thank you for being cool about this and everyone have a good rest of you day or night see ya.

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