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This chapter's writing style is going to be a little different then my other chapters and I think it's going to make it easier for you guys to read and this ideas was given to me by LiammcNaught for the writing tip I really appreciate it ⚡️❤️.

"So this is Earth-X" Sara said but then she looked at Barry who looked like he was zoned out "Hey Bair you alright?" Oliver asked Barry and then he nodded "wait hey Barry is that you?" The team herd a man call out towards Barry but suddenly Barry turned around and saw the man, "Hey Ray buddy you alright?" Barry asked Concerned and it turned out that Barry knew this guy and this Ray nodded his head "Did they get anyone else?" Barry asked "No man it was just me I had to stay back  and block the guards" Ray said "I'm—I'm so sorry man I wish I could have tough of a better backup plan" Barry said "Na it's alright, looks like back ups here" Ray said nodding towards the heroes and then Barry nodded his head, as Barry looked at rays hand he saw the black band he wore then he looked at Ray " buddy did they find out?" Barry asked his friend and then Ray nodded his head giving Barry a sad smile and Barry frowned his brows showing sympathy, "wait what do you mean?" Sara asked and Barry looked towards her "Helping me get back to Earth 1 wasn't the only reason they captured him" Barry said "then what?" Sara asked and then Ray decided to speak up "For loving the wrong person" Ray said sadly then the team understood what he meant he was gay and he fell in love with a man but the society didn't except him for who he was so they shamed him for it "How'd you know?" Oliver asked Barry  "That's what they did with to Sa— um doesn't matter what matters is that we need to find a way out of here wait where's Kara?" Barry asked and then Alex got worried "Yeah right were—were is she" Alex asked stuttering but suddenly guards came in and stared rounding the heroes up until Quentin Lance appeared in front of them "Hello Barry" Quentin said smiling "Fuck you" Barry fired at him but Quentin punched him in the face but Barry barley flinched and then Quentin held his hand as he shook it "Damn Super Soldiers" Quentin muttered as he nodded his head toward the heroes and the guards activated the collars to zap them all including Ray and then they forced the heroes to go into a open field so they can be executed as Quentin put a black bag over Oliver he looked straight at Barry and said "you know it's a shame I wanted my daughter to marry you someday but she was a descries so we got rid of her, and we're going to get rid of you to with your friends and that's on you Allen" Quentin said as everyone saw Barry look at ground and whispered "i'm so sorry Sara"as and Alex did the same with Kara as Quentin got back to his original position and then he ordered the guards to fire their weapons but suddenly their guns were frozen by a blast of cold beam and the cause of that was none other then Captain Cold "I hate Fire" and then the heroes took cover " Hey Lenny about time you showed up" Barry commented towards cold "yeah well had to make an entrance didn't I" snart said as he froze the meta cuffs that were on Ray and then he started glowing and then he flew into the air and shot a yellow beam at the guards there were enough guards to distract Quentin and his  leftover guards so that the heroes can escape.

As Leo, Ray and Barry led the heroes to the backup hideout they were met with 6 men with guns "Hey who the hell are yo— oh my god Captain Allen you finally came" one man said and then he went towards Barry shook his hand "Ah it's nice to see you to Hal, is Winn here?" Barry asked and then Hal nodded his head and led the team inside as they walked they saw lodes of people who have them smiles they really seemed welcoming and the Barry finally saw Winn he was all the way at the end of the hideout, "Hey bud how've your been?" Winn asked Barry with a smile "Ah you know got captured by Nazis almost died but thanks to Leo we got away so how have things been since I left?" Barry asked " it's been a little tough but we got through it, so this is back up?" Winn asked looking towards the heroes and then Barry nodded "I know he is he's doppelgänger but it's still a little freaky to see him" Winn said looking at Oliver, "Alright enough talking we need to come up with a new plan turns out they found a way to travel through earths and their trying to take over mine and they also have one of our friends as a prisoner so I need to ask is Red Tornado ready? And I know that I stoped working on it but Bruce is smart enough to finish it" Barry told Winn and then he nodded his head and then Winn pulled out the map of the nazi base,
"Alright so Red was supposed to destroy the base in its whole but with some modifications we can country him I can add a chip that can do that and it'll still carry a bomb but we can decide when we can detonate it how does that sound?" Barry asked the team and then they nodded "alright we're going to need a way back home so we need to find the breach device Thawn made so Ollie we're gonna need you to disguise your self as this earth's Oliver got it?" Barry told Oliver and he nodded in response "Leo your going to drive him there Oliver your going to go to the control room and that's our way to know we're is the breach and I'm going to sneak in there so if you get caught I'll be there for assist that's all we have you guys ready?" Barry said to his team and they nodded "Alright suit up" Barry said and he left to gear up as he put his gear on he paused to look at a picture of Kara, Sara and Him, "I'm gonna find you Sara no matter what and I'll get kara back on our side I promise" Barry said to the photo me then he hid it in his belt pocket as he put his mask on with the hood and he left the room.

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