Crisis On Earth X Part II

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Everyone one was silent after they entered the cortex Barry was looking at his old Flash suit as old memories of him and team flash saving the day snuck in his mind but then he decided he had to come clean so he turned around and looked at the Kara and Sara he still felt weird seeing them, Kara decided to speak up so are you going to tell us what that was all about? Kara asked then Barry sighed and then he started talking, As all of you know 5 months ago I had to leave to be punished for my crimes by creating Flashpoint Barry said and everyone nodded, well for you I've been gone for 5 months but for me it's been 5 years he which shocked a lot of people, I was sent to a Earth that was as good as hell, those people who crashed Oliver and Felicity's wedding they were them people of that earth that's were I met him Barry said pointing at Tommy who nodded his head towards everybody, you see when I was on that earth I was stripped out of my power— my speed so they could study it see if they can improve it— master it but this scientist he was obsessed with power so without thinking he injected himself with my speed and he ended up killing himself, so after a few months they trained me to be an assassin, a soldier, I even volunteered with Oliver(X) to be a part of an experiment they gave us a super soldier serum that made us enhanced but after I master all that was to learn form them I decided to use my skills for good to fight the Evil doers who cause pain on innocent people so in secrets I led a group of people called the resistance we caught back against the Nazis but the more we fought the more they improved plus we didn't have that many people to fight with so I decided to come back to Earth 1 and ask you guys to help us but it turned out that they figured out how to travel through Earths, I know our enemies very well we have a upper hand in this fight Barry said and then the team nodded.

The people who lead them is The Dark Arrow who you all know is Oliver's doppelgänger and by his side is Overgirl his wife and she just so happens to be Kara's doppelgänger and they also have heavy hitters in their team like Overman, And SirenX— , but Barry was interrupted bu Tommy, they also have a speedster in their side now Tommy asked who is it? Barry asked it— it's The Reverse Flash Tommy said giving him a consern look as Barry stoped his head on the floor God Damn it,  is he here? Barry asked and then Tommy nodded alright we're gonna have to play this stratigacly  we can't just run at them we need a plan, so when I was fighting Oliver(X) I managed to put a tracker on him so if he is as arrogant as I remember then he wouldn't have noticed Barry said as he pulled out a USB and connected it to the main computer as everyone saw that the red dot yep that's were they are Barry said but then suddenly they herd an alarm it turned out that they were breaking in a facility as they saw in the camera feed there they were all three of them and then Barry looked at Kara and Oliver alright you two suit-up Barry said as he walked out of the cortex and then Oliver and Kara followed as Barry and Oliver were riding in a motorcycle Barry in front and Oliver on the back  and Kara flew towards the location as Kara landed first Barry and Oliver got there after 10 seconds as Barry looked at Kara and smiled at her, Don't have my speed anymore he said and then Kara smiled back at him nodding noted she said and then Oliver spoke up, so what are they doing here, as soon as he said that there was a flash of red light there was a man in a yellow suit he had some sort of red orb looking thing which was covers by a see through glass following him was a woman in all black landing to the ground from the sky and finally there was an grappling arrow shot on the ground and then The Dark Arrow zip lined down after their little entry all three of them deactivated their masks revealing their faces Kara, Eabord and Oliver, Happy to see us?Oliver(X) said and then Barry huffed out his breath yeah the last time I saw you I kicked you ass Barry fired back which caused Thawn to let out a laugh and Oliver(X) glared at him, What? It was good one Thawn answered back, Why are you here Kara asked the three, Well we were here to get him but now seeing this Earth  we saw how weak it was so we decided that we would correct the mistakes that the people of your earth have made, me and my wife would rule you all Oliver(X) said as he looked at Kara(X) who just looked at Barry but Barry didn't notice because he was to busy glaring at Oliver(X) so why did you steal that device? Barry asked and then Oliver(X) looked at Thawn and nodded towards him and then he zoomed out, That's for us to know and you to find out but in all due time my friend, Oliver(X) said after that Thawn zoomed in a tackled Barry out of the way of and Kara launched into the air and tackle her doppelgänger and then Oliver went in straight to fight his doppelgänger.

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