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I though that the picture was cool it's from the Flashpoint comic  so the characters from the picture apart from Batman who is exactly like the one in Flashpoint and of course The Flash but he doesn't have his powers, but you knew that so lest get into the story.

As everyone suited up Cisco cane running towards Barry and that caught everyone's attention. "Bar we got a message from them" Cisco said and Barry nodded his "alright play it" Barry said.

"Hey Barry nice to see you haven't given up yet" Oliver told Barry and then he looked straight at Kara(X) "you've betrayed me and the regime and that is not going to be forgiven" Oliver(X) told Kara(X).

"you shot me with a Goddamn kryptonite arrow, I almost died!" Kara screamed at the hologram.

"You know what I'm going to make you a deal give me back Kara and Sara and we'll leave you and this pathetic Earth, it's not worth taking over anyway" Oliver told the group as Barry balled up his fist but Sara held his hand with her own to show support and Barry looked at Sara(X) and then he looked at Kara(X) and then he nodded his head towards her and then he turned towards Oliver(X)'s hologram.

"No I'm done running from you we're gonna fight you and your army" he said as he stepped towards the hologram.

"I'm not gonna let you take away a person I care about again and I promise you that I'm gonna kill you" and after that he ended the call as he looked at everyone.

And then there was an alarm ringing through the waverider  "creator there are a bunch of soldiers approaching metropolis" Gideon told Barry and waited for his instructions.

"Alright everyone we're gonna have to fight off as many guards as possible have no mercy, we're gonna need people to hijack their ship that contains the weapon that can take out a city so Frost, Vixen and Zari you guys are gonna have to disable the device" Barry told the three.

"But why then Barry?" Clark asked "me and Kara can take care of it right" Clark  said looking at both Kara and Kara(X).

"I know man but we're gonna need you guys to fight Overman he might be powerful then all three of you he can cause a lot of distraction and we can't let that happen" Barry said looking at everyone.

After a moment of silence Frost spoke up, "Don't worry Barry we got this" Frost said and Zari and Vixen nodded to show that they're agreeing.

As a bunch of guards approached a group of citizens they armed their weapons on then and open fired at them, but luckily they were saved by a man who blocked all the bullets by putting his chest out and the bullets just bounced off of him and that man turned out to be none other then, The Man of Steel him self.

"You're all screwed now" Superman said as he looked to his left and Barry walked up towards him and he was followed by the other heroes some clothing in the air and some walking on the ground Superman flew in the air to follow the sky team.

Then suddenly Dark Arrow walked in front of Barry and deactivated his mask "I told you I'll bring an army" Barry yelled towards Oliver(X) and then suddenly they saw a red streak of lightning circling around then and then it punched Barry knocking him down and then Oliver(X) signaled his army to charge and then both parties started fighting.

Overgirl, Superman and Supergirl started fighting Overman and the Heroes were fighting the army and civilians were evacuated safely, as Overgirl was knocked back a couple of blocked back she saw the red streak of lightning move towards Sara(X) and Thawn held Sara by the neck and started vibrating his hand but was suddenly shot by Barry with his pistol and then they were engaged in a fight Overgirl decided to assist but was stopped by Overman who yanked her by the head and threw her towards a building damaging it badly and as Thawn and Barry continued to fight Thawn of course got the upper hand because of his speed but Barry being the advance superhuman he is got some punches in but ultimately was no match to his speed punches and Barry was pushed back and he fell back a few blocks.

As Barry got up he pulled out a device and Thawn was confused but when he squinted his eyes he saw the label of the device it was the velocity-x, Thawn's face was filled with horror when he saw it and he started zooming towards Barry but was ultimately too late as Barry already injected himself with the serum and his eyes started glowing blue with and then blue lightning was all around his body and then he zoomed off and was followed by Thawn.

As the two speedster (one former speedster) ran through the whole city then battle was still going on but for the two it was frozen in time Barry automatically got the upper hand in the fight because of his skill as an super soldier but Thawn was stubborn and tough and he just wouldn't give up so he fought back as hard as he could but ultimately was defeated by barry as he punched Thawn so hard that he flew back towards a truck breaking it in half.

Barry zoomed in front of Thawn and Thawn decided to use his speed to escape the battle because it looked like he and the army were losing but for some reason he couldn't use his speed anymore but then he felt a slight pain in his back and it turned out to be an speed dampening arrow that was placed by none other than Barry Allen, Barry walked up towards Thawn and looked him straight in the eyes and said with the bottom of Heart "I Hate You and I'm finally going to get rid of you",  Barry said as he pulled out his pistol and pointed it at Thawn "B-Barry wait you c-can't just en—........." but he was soon interrupted by a gun shot to the head and then his body feel mount less as Barry left the scene.

Kara(X) was fighting her cousin Overman who was overpowering her with his heat vision she tried to defend herself by using her own heat vision but it still wasn't enough "you are a traitor to our cause I can't believe I am the same as you" overman said as he walked towards her and his heat vision getting stronger "but not to worry I'll get rid of you and after than I will go after Allen— ah!!" As clack was talking to Kara he was shot with a kryptonite arrow and then he was punched in the face and kicked in stomach when he fell.

And then after Barry knocked Overman down he extended his hand towards Overgirl and she accepted it and got back up "looked like you need help" Barry said and Kara(X) nodded as Barry and Kara were ready Overman was tackled by Batman(X) and was engaged in a fight with him "I still got a score to settle with you Overman" Batman(X) growled at Overman "I don't have time for your pathetic grudge against me" overman growled at Batman(X), "you put Selina into a hospital I'm gonna make sure I do the same to you but more violently" Batman(X) said cracking his knuckles as his gloved glowed green and then Superman flew down by Batman(X) and they both nodded their heads towards each other and double them overman.

As the Nazi Army was being defeated Dark Arrow was holding his doppelgänger in a headlock "if I can't win this fight I'll kill you and Barry" he said to his double but was blown away by Overgirl but then Oliver(X) countered it with a Kryptonite arrow and shit her in the shoulder and made her weak and she feel down, and then Oliver(X) walked up towards Kara(X) and he aimed the Kryptonite arrow to her head to finish the job but was soon shot in the shoulder by Barry as Kara took the arrow out of her shoulder she felt a little uneasy so she laid down as Barry and Oliver(X) fought it out.

Barry back handed Oliver(X) and pulled out his sword and so did Oliver(X) and then they straight up sword fight Barry hit Oliver multiplayer times and Barry himself got hit multiple times as well, but after a while of fight there was a high explosion and the cause of it was the Waverider(X) it was exploded by Frost, "No!....... I'll kill you for distorting my ship" Oliver(X) said as he turned around but was shot in the chest with two arrows by Barry as Oliver(X)'s body fell Barry kneeled down and looked at him "I told you I won't hold back" he said to no one particular and then he walked away as he saw dead Nazi soldiers fall.

Overgirl finally woke up and she sat up but soon was assisted by Barry as he held her hand "hey you ok?" Barry asked out of breath a little and Kara(X) nodded her head and then she hugged Barry it looked like the War that they have been fighting for years was finally over.

Sorry if this chapter sucked a little but I was trying something new here and if I messed it up I'm truly sorry and I will up my game in the next chapter cote of you like it and have a good day or night see ya.

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