Chapter I

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[Viv] Are you sure about this Jay? This looks sketchy.

[Jay] Would I ever put you in harm's way? Like I said, just ask for Barnes, and give him the package.

Vivian sighed and put her phone back in her pocket. Why did she have to do this? Doesn't this man know that a mailbox exists? Who is Barnes? All of these questions circled in her brain as she stood awkwardly on other side of the street, peering at the lit up neon sign that read "THE ROSE." She looked back at the large envelope in her hands and pondered if she should just leave.

"Excuse me?" The sudden voice made her squeak and she looked up. A man with golden hair smiled at her politely. "Are you alright ma'am?"

"Uhm...yes, I think. I was making sure I had the address right, but even though I've checked a million times it feels...wrong." The girl rambled.

"Well where is it you're trying to go?" The man asked. Vivian gave him the address and looked back up at the brick building in doubt. A chuckle escaped the man and he outreached his hand. "You are in the right place. My name is Steve. I'm one of the owners. What can I help you with?" His smile was so genuine, and his sky blue eyes held nothing but kindness. She honestly couldn't help but trust him.

"Oh, uhm...I'm looking for a...Barnes? My boyfriend sent me." A look glossed Steve's eye and he hummed.

"Barnes, huh? Who's your boyfriend?" He asked politely.

"Jay Goodard." Honestly, in hindsight, maybe she shouldn't have just given all of her information to this random man she just met on the street. But his face was just so...polite. You can't say no to a face like that.

"Jay Goodard. Interesting. Well, I can take you to Barnes, he's the other owner. But I'll warn you, wrong is definitely the right word for this place." He laughed at his own quip, encouraging Vivian to chuckle along as she followed him into the building. What she didn't know was how right he really was. 

The place was flooded with intimate red lighting, and the music vibrated through Vivian's chest. A stage full of half dressed women, provocatively swaying for suit-clad men caught her eye immediately. Honestly, she was surprised she didn't blend in with the red scenery with how flushed she became. Steve led her through the club, back to the bar, and through a wooden door with a big plaque that read "EMPLOYEE'S ONLY."

He continued to lead her down a hallway with deep red carpet and dark walls. The music of the club scene beforehand vanished as if it was nothing. A facade. She thought. The two came to another door, this one with a keypad.

"It's Rogers." The man called while putting in his pin and opening the door. It was an office, simply enough. The red carpet and dark walled theme was consistent in the large room. In the middle sat a large wooden desk scattered with papers and a computer. A man with intensity in his eyes sat behind clacking away at it. He had short brown hair, and his thick eyebrows were crested with frustration. It appeared as if the entrance of Steve and the girl didn't even phase him from his work. Not until Steve spoke up, anyway.

"Are we disrupting you, Buck?" He asked smoothly. The dark haired man looked up and immediately landed his eyes on the girl.

"Who's she?" He asked gruffly.

"Goodard's girl. Said she has a package from him." Steve replied. The man at the desk got up and walked toward her slowly. Suddenly, it felt as if the world was on Vivian's shoulders. Her heart was racing and her head was pounding. Why did she do this? God, Viv you're so stupid. This man was so tall and his, obviously, expensive suit made her nervous. He leaned down toward her to get a better look at her face.

"Don't be so nervous, doll. Now what is it that you have?" The man asked softly and lowly.

"I don't know what it is. My boyfriend gave it to me and said to ask for Barnes." The nerves were making her choke up as if she had no air to breathe.

"Well that is me," The man chuckled. "You can call me Bucky, doll." He smiled at her. She managed a smile back and held out the package shakily. He took it from her and placed a delicate kiss on her hand to calm her nerves. He chuckled at how her face lit up like the neon sign out front. "Let's see what Goodard is sending us, shall we, Rogers?" 

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