Chapter XIX

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Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. 

The sound of a metronome woke her up from her slumber. 

"Hey, are you done with your cat nap? You know Miss Fletcher doesn't like lazy bones." That voice was so familiar, but why couldn't she place it. She opened her eyes, but was met with nothing. A pure white void. 

Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. 

"Hello?" She tried to speak, but her voice wouldn't come out. 

"Don't forget to point your toes!" A harsh voice came from behind her, but when she turned there was nothing. 

Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick 

Music filled the void she was in. A classical number she'd danced to when she was younger. 

"Focus! You're losing the tempo!" The harsh voice was back. She faltered, but began to dance. Following each step meticulously. Everything seemed to fall perfectly. She hadn't remembered being so good at-


As she fell to the ground, the music came to a halt. What on earth had she fallen into. Her eyes roamed up to see a suit clad man. 


Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. 

"What did you do?" He spoke. His body stayed completely stiff. She tried to speak, but nothing came from her mouth. 

"What. Did. You. Do?" He asked again, louder. Tears streamed down her face. She looked away from him. 

"You can't undo this." He hummed. "You have to live with yourself as a killer." 

No. She refused. 

Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. 

"Look at me!" He yelled at her, still rigid and unmoving. She sobbed in silence and sunk further into the floor. 

"Look at me!" Again and again, he yelled his demand. All she wanted was to disappear. 

Shh. Shh. Shh. Shh. 

When she finally looked up he was gone, but his voice spoke again. 

"Wake up. Live with what you did, Vivian."


Her eyes shot open and she sat straight up. Her vision was temporary blinded by white light, but quickly focused on her surroundings. 

She was in a hospital room. No. She'd been here before. This was Dr. Banner's office. Her clothes were replaced by a white paper gown, and there was an IV in her arm, pumping fluids into her body. 

"Hello?" She croaked dryly. Nothing. Overwhelmingly she realized that she was entirely alone. 

Vivian swung her feet over the side of the bed. Her arms and legs were covered in bandages. Slowly, she began to stand up. Just as she had it, the door to the office opened, and she stumbled forward. 

"Vivian!" A voice called, catching her before she fell on the ground. When she looked up, she saw Dr. Banner. 

"Banner..." She mumbled. He chuckled and sat her back down on the bed. 

"It's good to see you up. You sure have the bosses worried." He quipped. She tried to piece it together, but her head was still reeling. 

"Bosses..." She mumbled again. He tilted her chin up and shinned a light in her eyes, to which barely phased her at this point. 

"You definitely have a concussion. Right now you need to lay down and rest." Banner hummed and helped her lay down. 

"Steve...Bucky..." She muttered, to which the doctor chuckled again. 

"Lovesick as they are, huh?" he muttered humorously.  "I'll go get them." She nodded and looked away from him, focusing on the white ceiling. 


"She's up." Banner spoke up once he'd entered the office. Both Bucky and Steve looked at him with wide eyes, taking in what he'd said before jumping to their feet. 

"Ah ah. Be slow. Barnes you still have a head wound and Rodgers you're on a crutch." Banner warned them. They walked toward him to exit the office. Bucky ignored Banner completely and all but bolted out of the door. Rodgers stayed for a moment. 

"How is she?" He asked. Banner sighed. 

"She is out of it right now. But I'm sure when she's all there...Something bigger will be crashing on her shoulders." 

Steve hummed and placed a hand on the doctor's shoulder. "Thank you." He said before beginning his limp to his girl. 


Bucky stood outside the door, waiting for his comrade. As much as he wanting to bolt inside and see her, he held out for Steve. So he racked through his thoughts. 

"She shot him! We have no truce now! She's going to get us all killed!" Natasha growled, pacing through the office. 

"The truce was gone when he told us to meet him. He knew what he was doing." Steve spoke calmly. 

"You are going to sit here and tell us that we have to protect her, when all she does is sit around looking pretty for you. I am not a babysitter Steve." She exasperated. 

"She is an asset to us now. Regardless of how we view her personally, we have to view her as part of us." 

"This is bullshit." She spat. 

"Enough!" Bucky spat. "I'm done hearing this. If you don't want to be apart of this then leave. All of you can leave. But remember what we did for you to keep you out of prison. To keep you away from death. This isn't a fucking game. We are dealing with the biggest weapon-smiths in this town, and the biggest drug catch in the fucking market. Every step we make is do or die. Vivian got handed a shitty card and got caught in it. She's been through enough. We couldn't let her go because she was in danger then; and now, she's fucked if she goes out there alone. We all wanted Tony gone, and she just got the job done quicker. So quit being a fucking baby about it, or go find somewhere else!" 

Natasha, Sam, Clint, and Steve stared at Bucky in bewilderment. It was rare that he snapped so harshly at his A team. 

"We need to calculate what our next step is." Steve reeled back...


"Hey." Steve broke Bucky from his thoughts. 

"Hey." He grunted. 

"You ready to see our girl?" Bucky sighed. 

"More than you know." 

Steve chuckled at that. "Trust me, I know." 

Bucky hummed and opened the door, allowing Steve to hobble in first. When they got the sight of Vivian's eyes staring at them, their hearts melted from the cutthroat bosses they had to be. 

"Hey, darlin'" Steve spoke first, moving a chair by her bed. She smiled dizzily. 

"Steve..." She mumbled, looking blissed out. Bucky joined Steve and pulled up a chair. 

"How's our concussed little doll?" He asked, a smiled gracing his lips for the first time since the shipping container. 

"I feel like jello." She spoke lazily, peering at the brunette. Steve took her hand in his. 

"We're so glad you're okay, Vivian." 

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