Chapter III

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Vivian woke up the next morning to an empty bed and a text.

[Jay] Hey, boss called me in early. Didn't want to wake you.

Sighing, Vivian got out of bed and into the small bathroom they shared. Jay was always working. There were very few mornings and evenings they spent together, which left no time at all. She looked in the mirror at her sleepy, unkempt self.

"What the hell am I doing here?" She mumbled quietly. It used to hurt that he was never around, but the sting had long settled into an unmoving routine that she was used to. Honestly, she wasn't even sure if he loved her still. Maybe the two of them just didn't want to be alone.

Breaking out of her thoughts, Vivian turned on the shower. Nothing like a mildly scalding shower to start the day. She hopped in and began her routine. It was going swimmingly until she heard a loud bashing sound coming from downstairs. Immediately, she stopped her shower and grabbed a towel from the rack over the toilet. Vivian stepped out slowly and tiptoed, out of the bathroom and to the small closet in her room. Quickly grabbing an umbrella, she turned to the bedroom door. Step by step she tried to reach her phone on the bed without making a sound.

A sudden BAM! through the door and she screamed, falling to the ground.

"Doll?" Bucky? She looked up and the brunette himself was standing over her, gun in hand. "Where's Goodard?" He asked. Even though his eyes were glancing over her partially covered body, he wasted no time getting right down to business.

"He's not here. Texted me that he had work early." Her voice was shaky and quiet. Bucky put the gun in his jacket pocket and helped her onto her feet.

"Sam!" Bucky called. Footsteps followed the call and a man Vivian had never seen stood in the doorway, taking in the toweled girl in. A smirk played on his lips.

"Damn, Buck. You could've taken her to dinner first." Bucky rolled his eyes.

"Very funny. Goodard's not here...says he was gone early." Sam's eyebrows furrowed in thought.

"Do we have any idea where he could have gone?

"No, Wilson. We don't." Obviously Bucky was pissed, so what was an innocent girl like Vivian supposed to do about that.

"I...I might know where he is." She spoke quietly. The two men looked at her.

"You might?" Sam asked.

"We've had a tracking app on each other for a while. Keeps us in the know about where we are." Bucky rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"We don't bring civilians into this." He muttered spitefully.

"You have a better idea?" Sam asked.



The two men sat on Vivian's small futon in the living space of her small house. She had since gotten dressed and prepared coffee for the three of them.

"Alright, so what is this tracking thing you have?" Bucky started.

"It's an app that tracks his phone. So assuming he has his phone, it'll be on." Vivian explained.

"Sounds easy enough. Do you have it on you?" She nodded and started tapping at her phone to find the application.

"You're very quick to give this to us." Sam observed. Vivian handed the phone to Bucky and smiled sadly.

"I don't like the fact that he's doing people wrong. He needs to sort out whatever he's done." Sam shot a look at Bucky who was too focused on the phone to notice. It hadn't occurred to him until this moment that this girl doesn't have a clue what this is.

"It says he's just arrived at JFK. We need to work fast." The brunette immediately whipped out his phone to make a call.

"JFK? Like the airport?! He told me he was at work." Vivian said in an exasperated tone. Sam smiled at her.

"In this line of business, lying isn't really a surprise."

"What do you mean, this line of business?" Before Sam could even begin to answer that question, Bucky cut them off.

"I've sent Romanoff and Barton to go to JFK. We need to go back to the club." Sam nodded and smiled a goodbye to the girl, heading out to start the car and leaving the two alone.

"Thank you for doing this. I know it isn't easy giving out information like that." Bucky smiles.

"I wouldn't be able to live guilt-free if I let him get away with...whatever it is he's getting away with." Bucky chuckled at her innocence. It was intriguing to him.

"What is a girl like you doing with a guy like him?" he braved, looking at her mischievously. She giggled at him.

"As opposed to what? A guy like you?" His eyebrows quirked and he chuckled. Getting up, he started walking towards the door. It was obvious he was taking his time.

"You know, I've met you twice now and I've never bothered to ask your name."

"It's Vivian." She smiled, now leaning on the doorframe as he stood on the porch.

"Vivian...rolls off the tongue nicely." He teased. "Have a good rest of your day, doll." 

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