Family Part 3

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And I nod. I grab Liv and walk out and attach it to the scrollers. As I started walking and Tom Holland stops me and scar and the body guard that's with us.

"Yes?" I ask
"Can you sign this for me?" He ask
"Sure, why not? What would like it to say?" I ask him handing me my album record and a sharpie
"You choose," he says

I write "Don't let anyone change the way you love or want to be loved. You are worth it. From yours truly Y/N Johansson. <3" I give him back the album and continue walking then I stop walking again.

"What is it baby?" Scar ask
"I didn't do what I actually came for," I say turning to her
"And that was?" She ask confused
"My hugs and kisses," I say smiling
"Come here," she says opening her arms.

I walk over to her and go into her arms and she wraps me in her arms protectively but also lovingly. I pull away and we hold eye contact and I hold cup both of her cheeks.

"I love you so much, mi amor" I say looking at her with nothing but love and passion.
"I love you more, baby," she says as her hands find my lower back
"Not possible," I whisper before we connect our lips passionately for like 2 minutes. And I gently pull away.
"Come on, let get you two home," she says as we pull away.

We continue walking and finally get to the car. I set Liv bags in the passager seat. And then go to start the car so it can get cool the car before, Scar put liv inside. And then she puts her scroller attachment in the trunk. And I finally get the car.
"Are you sure you can drive home, bubs. I can tell someone to bring you guys home?" She says panicking a little
"Bubba, I will be fine plus I have a to go get some groceries for tonight." I say calming her nerves
"When should we expect you to be home?" I say looking her in the eye
"I should be home around 4:30-5:00 since we have an early day since I have the week coming off." She says staring in my eyes and I blush under her eyes (Like who wouldn't, if you don't are you even human!)
"We've been together for almost a decade and I still make you blush, I must be very special." She teases and smiles
"You are very special to me, not to mention that you are incredibly beautiful, sweet, hardworking and driven, plus the love of my life, why wouldn't you make me blush."I say admiring her and it her turn to blush
"I'll see you later, baby I love you" I say laughing and holding her hand
"I love you, too babe. Always." She says as we separate our hands and connect our pinkies
"And forever." I say and we twist our hands and kiss each other hands

We unconnected our hands and she backed up, basically saying I can pull off, I wave to her and she waves back chuckling. I finally pull off and drive to the supermarket since it's early and not that many people will be there. Me and liv are in the store and I pick up a bunch of food and different snacks to make sure they have different assortments of food to where it's comfortable with everyone. I come back home and bring every thing inside and feed prince our puppy.
Prince(Baby Golden Retriever):

I place liv in the movable crib in the living room with prince guarding her as she sleeps

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I place liv in the movable crib in the living room with prince guarding her as she sleeps.
I go to the kitchen and start putting things away and organizing while i hear two barks prince telling me that she is awake. So I go back to the living room, get her out of the crib, change her clothes and diaper.
When I am done I put her in an regular one piece and take her and prince back to the kitchen. I get a call from Brian saying I have a meeting in an hour, so I get ready a little bit.

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