Stuck up 🫦

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Prompt: Everyone thinks you are a stuck up bitch like you're dad, but you're really a shy person.


I wake up, going into the bathroom using it before doing my morning routine.

"Y/n, you have to dress appropriate for coming to the compound." I see a message on my phone

I roll my eyes knowing my mom is forcing him to bring me there. I don't like my dad. Why won't someone like Tony Stark as a dad? Because he's never around to ever be a real dad. He only uses me for publicity stunts and shit which is fucking annoying and exhausting. I don't have a father daughter relationship with him, in fact I hate him and hate is a strong word for me.

My Outfit:

My Outfit:

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(With black high heels)After I get fully dressed and do my hair, Happy takes me to the Compound because there's a press conference in the press room

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(With black high heels)
After I get fully dressed and do my hair, Happy takes me to the Compound because there's a press conference in the press room. I knew he wanted me here for some reason and not wanting to spend time with me but he spends all his time with Morgan and Peter. Yes, I'm jealous of kids because they have the dad I've always wanted. So, could you blame me really?

I put on my shades as Happy opens the door, walking to the door protecting me from the invasive paparazzi that were waiting on me.

"Y/n where's your new boy toy?"
"Y/n what's it like being the infamous Tony Starks daughter?"
"Y/n did you already lose you're virginity?"
"Okay that's enough! Give her some space!" Happy says not too happy about the questions but I block it out

As we walk into the building, I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding.

"Thanks for bringing her here. Y/n there's a press conference to promote you and me." Tony says smiling and I roll my eyes behind my glasses
"Where is it being held so I can hurry up and get out of here? I have plans." I say folding my arms
"Press room 4." He says and I nod
"Come on Happy." I say holding onto his arm

Happy is more of a dad then that deadbeat is. We get to the room and walk in sitting in my spot. Tony and his team comes in and they sit along side me, Black Widow sitting next me with my 'Dad' on the other side.

"Who are you?" She asks turning to me
"Unfortunately His daughter." I say putting a smirk on my face.
"Why unfortunately?" She asks
"Because I hate him. Curious one." I say plainly
"Y/n could you take off your shades?" Tony says as he gets everything situated
"No, thank you." I say exhaling waiting for this to end
"Y/n you should listen to Mr. Stark." Peter says
"And you should shut the fuck up, I'm none of you're business." I say and my mom gasps
"Y/n please." Mom says
"Fine." I say taking them off as the press set up their cameras

"Ok you guys can start with the questions." Tony says and they start yelling
"You, speak up please." I say talking to a good looking lady
"What are you..." she says but then they start yelling
"Pardon?" I say
"What are you looking for in a man now?" She asks
"I'm not looking for a man let's start there." I say and the others yell
"Tony what is the biggest struggle when being who you are?" A man asks
"Being a dad." I mumble rolling my eyes
"I would say not trying to act like a child." He says smiling
"Y/n what is the biggest thing for you when the world is apart of your life?" A young man asks me
"Maybe relationships, because I was in a relationship with someone who I loved but they didn't love me back so I had to love myself in order to love someone new." I say and he nods liking the response
"Y/n what is your sexuality? And what are you're hobbies?" A old man asks
"I'm (your sexuality) and I like to paint, sing and dance in my free time but I'm open to everything." I say and they nod
"Y/n are you happy?" A lady asks
"To be honest, no but I would love to be happy and content with life." I say sincerely
"Tony what's it like having a daughter that models?" The reporter asks him
"I'm proud of her accomplishments." He says like he acts like he know what they're talking about
"Y/n, Are you closer with your dad or mother?" A man asks
"I'm way more of a mother's daughter than a dad's little princess." I say smiling at my mom
"Tony what's it like being a father figure to Peter Parker but also having two daughters?" A lady asks reading my body language
"It's not very difficult, y/n here can take of herself whereas Peter and Morgan needs my attention more." He says and I shake my head laughing lowly
"So you're saying you care about Peter and Morgan more than Y/n?" Another reporter asks
"No, you're twisting my words. I said they need more attention." He says defending himself
"But that's what she said. Everyone need attention from their parents no matter the age." A lady says
"I'm done, this conference is over." Tony says and get the reports/press escorted out the building

"Not, how you wanted that to go?" I asks smirking at him
"Go to your room!" Tony says fuming to his mouth
"Not, happening. Remember they need attention not me, I can take care of myself." I say standing grabbing my shades and purse walking to the kitchen

I order me a cheeseburger, wings and fries combo sitting in the common room.

"Do you have no respect for me I'm your dad you listen to me?" Tony says walking in
"That's where you're wrong, i don't have respect for you because you never showed me any and when did you become my dad. Like only every hour or two for press conferences or something." I say and Uncle Nick walks in with my food
"Here, Y/n. I grabbed it on my way here." Uncle Nick says
"Thanks Uncle Nicky." I say taking the bad from him
"You done yelling? Great now leave." Uncle Nick says making Tony leave
"Karma's a Bitch." I say laughing while eating my food
"You good?" Uncle Nick asks and I nod

"You say you're Starks daughter?" The same woman from the conference asks
"Yes unfortunately." I say eating my food
"Well you definitely don't get your looks from him." She says I shake my head silently laughing
"What would you like Natasha?" I asks
"A date would be nice." She says
"Smooth. You got yourself a date." I say winking at her

Time heals us


Are ice and water the same thing???

I need an answer^^^^

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