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- Y-you love me ?!
- Yes.
- W-what do you mean?
- I meant to say that I love you.
- You have feelings for me? Y-you love me more than like a friend?
- Yes. I love you, I have a crush on you, I want us to be in a relationship. I want us to be married. I. Love. You.
- Wow, y-you kinda surprise me there y/n.

He got out of the bed and stood up.

- B-but... Why ? Do you think I'm like attractive or something?
- Yes. You're beautiful and you're so hot.
- What.
- I said what I said.
- Stop playing with my feelings y/n! It's not funny! I know this is a joke.
- It is not a joke Diluc, I really love you!
- That's not possible! You're lying! You have no reason to love me! And that's why nobody ever did! Your joke is not funny!
- I'm not joking! I really love you Diluc!
- Really?
- Yes! You're so kind and pretty! And you're really funny too!
- I don't understand... This looks so strange to me, no one ever told me that they loved me...
- Well I love you Diluc.

I also got out of the bed and went close to him. I then took his arm and put them around my body.

- It feels... Very weird...
- Why? Are you scared?
- No... It's just... I would never tought that you would love me too...
- What do you mean "too"?! There is someone else that loves you?! Who is it?!
- No... It's not that. I meant...
- Wait... Do you mean that...
- I love you too...
- Really?!
- Yes, since that first game of chess you played with me. I don't know what's going on inside my head, but, I love you...
- How is it possible...
- Actually, when you asked me to play chess with you, I didn't felt anything, but, when I tried to sleep, I couldn't. I was thinking about you y/n. And I realized that I loved you.
- It was the exact same thing for me...
- I dont know what to say... But I'm so happy, it's the first time someone loves me too... It feels... Good.
- So thats why you wanted to sleep with me all the time. You were trying to be close to me, right?
- Yes, and that's why I want to hug you. I want to feel your skin on mine. I want you to hug me all the time. I want you to caresse my head all the time.
- Aaah...
- What's wrong Diluc?
- Ha... Nothing... Let's-let's go back to sleep... Haa... I can... I can put my arms around you... If you want... But... But I need to sleep...
- Are you sure you are okay?
- Yes... Please... I'm tired...
- Okay, if you want.

We got bad to bed and I got inside Diluc's arms. I fell asleep really quickly
I was happy. Really happy. Diluc loved me. And I loved him too. And I was sleeping in his arm.

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