Trip to the Basement Jan 15, 2013 9:24 pm

33 0 16

So I'm procrastinating my homework like the rest of the world right now, and I decided that if I had the materials out it might, I dunno, "encourage" me to work on them. Well, I finished my Government (since I just needed to print off something), my math (I spent more time procrastinating that then it took to actually do the assignment), and the next thing on my list was these visuals for my English class. Well, I don't exactly have the materials in my room--they're in the basement, because...I don't know, it's just where we keep the spare art stuff. 

Is anyone else slightly scared of their basement or is it just me?

I think my basement's haunted. I've seen figures, shadows, of people down there, but as soon as I turn to get a second glance, they're gone. It only happens at night, so whenever I need to go down their, I prefer it to be daylight.

It's nine o'clock pm in winter. It most certainly isn't daylight anymore. 

Well, I guess it could be, if I lived in Alaska. But I don't. And anyways, now they'd be experiencing their three months of darkness...

So I change that statement to Antartica.

I definitely do not live in Antarctica.

Anyways, I needed to go downstairs, it's dark, I don't like dark. 

I don't know if I have a phobia of the dark, but I don't like it. Weird things always seem to happen to me regarding the dark, so I try to avoid it. Well, best I can, at any rate. Have to turn off my lights when I go to bed.

I turned on as many lights as I could as I went down, jumping down two stairs at a time. It's really cold down their, cold and drafty. I was barefoot, and the place is cement and freezing, and it hurt with every step I took from the cold floor. I turned on the lights and jumped across the room, literally jumping--there were small rugs spread out, and I wanted to land on them rather than the floor. 

I reached the other side, where the art supplies were, and began gathering up as many as I could as fast as I could.

There's these big windows down there--normally they let in a lot of light, since they face East, but now they were pitch black. Well, I got into that state of mine, where one's senses begain playing tricks on oneself, and I imagined something out there, watching me, hidden by the blackness. 

This is not something you should imagine if you are by any means scared of the dark or have a haunted basement. 

I have both.

I probably grabbed too many supplies and ran upstairs, barely pausing to turn off the lights as I ran.  As soon as they were off, I sensed many things in the darkness, evil things, things that reached up to grab my ankles as I went upstairs, trying to pull me back down.

Not fun.

Moral of the story: Get your homework done before it get's dark.

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