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"You don't deserve someone who comes back, you deserve someone who never leaves," Changbin whispers to the sleeping boy. It was almost six in the morning, and he couldn't sleep.

His fingers ran through Seungmin's hair, soothing himself by having the boy close. He kept thinking to himself, cursing the world.

Why did he have to have these feelings toward someone who couldn't get over their ex? Why did this person not see that they deserved better? Why did they think they had to... fix someone who was breaking them?

Seungmin groaned lightly, slowly waking from his dreamland. Changbin quickly retreated his hand, grabbing his phone and getting on it, flicking to a random app. The elder waited for the boy to wake, hoping he hadn't heard what he said.

"Bin?" His voice was raspy, and his face was puffy. Fuck, he's so good looking.

"Morning, how're you feeling?"

"Headache. Everything hurts. I want more sleep. Why are you in my bed?"

"You told me you were too scared to sleep alone, so I slept with you."

"Oh... sorry. You can leave now. Sorry to be a bother. Next time, you can just drop me here and go. I don't mind."

"I do."

Seungmin stared at him, confused and hurting. The eldest shook his head, standing from the bed and walking out. The other thought he had left, but only a minute went by until Changbin came back with a glass of water and hangover pills.

"Take these. I'll go make breakfast."

"Hyung, you don't have to. Just go home."

"Can you please let me take care of you?"

"No. Just leave."

"Why are you being like this!" Changbin says loudly, yet it wasn't even close to a yell. "Let me take care of you."

"I don't need your help! I deserve to lay here in pain. I deserve everything that's coming my way. It's my own goddamn fault. Why the hell are you so set on helping me? I've done nothing for you. Why can't you just leave me be?"

"Because I love you!" He screams, pain clear in his voice. He takes in a breath, watching Seungmin's expression sit shocked. The younger's mouth was agape, his eyes wide. "I-I mean, I'm your friend. And I want this break-up to be the last one, okay? Because I can't watch you struggle anymore. I just can't. Neither can our friends. And clearly, you can't handle it either. You can't handle anymore pain. Every time you finally pick yourself up and get in a good place, he comes back and destroys you again. You can't keep doing this to yourself. And if you want to, go ahead, but I'm not going to sit around and wait for you to finally come to the realization that what you deserve is better. I love you too much to watch you crash and burn over and over again."

Changbin pants, replaying his own words in his head. Did he really just out himself? Fuck.

"I'll make you some goddamn eggs, and then I'll leave, but shut up and let me help you."

He stomps out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him. Seungmin is left there, clenching his jaw. What was he supposed to do after that? There weren't many options.


mondays :( •

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