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(Y/n)'s pov:

It's Thursday night, I'm currently at work. I walking to one of my tables when I see Amity walk in with a couple of her friends. I walk over to the table was serving at the moment and give them their drinks. I see that the host sat them in my part of the café.

I walk into the back and grab my notebook. I walk by the host, Ellie, and give her a death glair. "Ellie why did you seat them with me?" I said point over to Amity.

"The girl with green hair asked." My face heats up. "Is that your girlfriend?" Ellie asked me.

"N-no! Just go clean off a table or something," I walk away before she says anything stupid. When I get over to Amity and her friends. Me and Amity make eye contact.

"Wow Amity I can't believe you asked to sit here." A girl with three eyes said to Amity.

"Hey I'm (y/n) I'll be your waitress tonight. What would you guys like to drink?" I asked trying to be nice and not get angry.



"Sweet tea."

I wrote it down before walking to the back and getting the drinks. I use my magic to help me with it since I have other tables to serve as well. Zoe looks at me and smiles. "I haven't seen you use your magic before, so what's new?" She asked.

"Girl from my school are here and they like to say that since my mom is a human I don't have any magical abilities so I'm showing them wrong." I walk back out and give the drinks to each of the tables before going back to Amity's.

"Sweet tea, tea, and water. Are you guys ready to order?" They order some cakes and ice creams. I quickly got it for them before cleaning off some of the tables that just left.

~3 hours later~

I can't believe they're still here! I mean they're studying for something. I watch as two of them leave leaving Amity by herself. She pulls out a pen and writes some notes. I walk over to her "Hey Amity can I take some of these dishes?"

"Yeah and can you bring me a hot chocolate?" She looked up at me and I blushed.

"Yeah be right back." I grab most of the dishes, other than the one Amity is using still. I walk to the back and took a breather.

"So you said she's not your girlfriend but you blush when she looked at you?" Ellie smirked at me.

"S-shut up Ellie." I quickly make a hot chocolate and put whipped cream of top. I walk out and place it down in front of her.

"So why didn't tell me your father was the one who was killed two months ago?" She asked me.

"Excuse me?" I tried keeping my cool.

"My older siblings told me you told them."

"I didn't tell them anything other than I got a lot of my powers from my dad when he died. Mittens." Her face goes bright red.

"Dont call me that."

"Dont call me half witch."

"Fine." She said and looked at her notebook.

"Can you sit down with me?" She asked me.

"I guess we're not busy anymore and your my last table at the moment." I sit down across her.

"My parents found where you lived, they going to go to your house, I thought you'd like a warning." My eyes widen.

"Whats wrong with you? You actually asked your parents to find my house?!"

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