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Amity's pov:

I fall to my knees once the door closes.

"Amity you have to do something, shes your girlfriend!" (Y/n)'s mom says to me.

"SHES YOUR DAUGHTER!" I yell at her. Tears are running down my face, i let him take her from me, she willingly left with him, without me.

"Amity please your the only one with magic. We need our sister." Marinette looked at me holding Jack. Hope and Amy are hugging each other.

"I'm not strong enough, Marinette." I look at my hands, I noticed something.

Get Emria and Edric, my love.

"She thinks of everything." I laughed a little. "I might not be strong enough but I can ask Emria and Edric to help me. And Luz, Eda, King, Willow and Gus. They can help me." I stand up and put some shoes on.

"I know what to do, stay safe. I'll be back." I run out the door and back to the one place I never wanted to be again, The Blight Maner, the place I'm not welcomed.

I knock on the door and Emria opens the door.

"MITTENS!" She hugs me and Edric comes running out, he hugs me.

"Why are you here Amity?" I hear my mothers voice. Emria and Edric move away from me. "Did you and your girlfriend break up?" She smirked.

"No we didn't we're still going strong, well actually, the golden guard took her." My moms face drops.

"They're actually going through with the plan huh?"

"What plan!?"

"Like I'm telling you Amity. I need this plan to work out so that you can be everything I need you to be."

"I'm leaving, I'm going to get my girlfriend and when I see her I'm going to kiss her long and hard cause I didn't get enough this morning before she was taken. Emria, Edric can you please help me?"

"For course little sister." They both said and we walked away from the blight maner.

(Y/n)'s pov:

"A goddess?" I laugh. "Im mot a goddess and please stop looking at me like that. I have a girlfriend and your way to old for me." Hunter starts laughing. I throw a pillow at him.

"This is serious! I'm glowing! I want my dad! I want my girlfriend! I'm only 15 and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do!" Tears start going down my cheeks.

"Golden Guard go get Mr. (L/n) now!" The medic said hunter runs out the room.

"Your dad will know what is happening to you. Has this ever happened before?" He asked me.

"I don't know."

"It has, the day you were born princess." My dad holds me. I start crying.

"Papa I don't know what's going on. I missed you so much. I really want Amity here. I miss her so much already. You'll love her." He starting laughing.

"Thats just like you princess. Your more upset that Amity isn't here than your upset that your glowing." I laugh.

"I know that you can fix me papa."

Other Half (Amity x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now