New School...

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Twilights POV

      It's my first day at Westwood Creek High, I hope no one knows I'm the princess of the Starlight Kingdom... If anyone finds out they will look at me differently... I want real friends this time, not friends that my parents pay for or ones that just use me because of my royal status..

First Day

Third Person POV

Twilight walked through the welcoming doors of the school that seems smaller than her last, 

"Twilight...don't be can do this" she cried to herself 

She nervously reaches for the door handle to the schools front office, but the door suddenly barges open and they both come falling to the ground 

"AH oh my god I'm so sorry... I'm in a rush to plan homecoming!! and more parties.."

"Oh.. its fine." Twilight says as she looks up and sees a very bright and cheerful looking pony.

"I'm Pinkie Pie!! Are you the new pony? There's been rumors of someone new coming, more people to invite to my parties!!"

"Oh.. yeah I'm the new pony I guess, anyway I'm Twilight Sparkle nice to meet you"

The pink pony suddenly grabs Twilight's hand and shakes cheerfully, making Twilight feel very surprised by the sudden movement.

"What class do you have? Maybe I can show you around! and We're probably in the same class, I'm like really good at predicting stuff lmao" Pinkie Pie says

"Oh I have Geography with Mr. Benson" 

'Oh MY GOD I DO TOO!! He is really weird though I heard he is married to a human.. IT'S WEIRD"

"A human? how does- OHHH"

"Yeah anyway lets go before were late, he'll probably sue us" Pinkie Pie says jokingly.

The two ponies rush down the hall to get to class.

Pinkie Pie's eyes grow sleepy from the boring lecture the bee is lecturing

"Okay class that will be everything for today, please do the assignment on how Jazz is the best music genre"

Everybody rushes out of the honey-scented classroom.

"I see we don't have the same class again sadly, We do have the same lunch though! Meet me at the front doors of the cafeteria during lunch" Pinkie Pie exclaims as she is running to her next class and waving cheerfully.


After the next few classes it's finally lunch. Twilight rushes to the front door of the cafeteria where Pinkie Pie said to meet.


"..yes Pinkie I see you.."

Twilight rushes over to the loud pony

"Ok I have some wonderful friends for you to meet, they'll love you"

They walk over to the busy table

"No no I'm telling you sequence is better then your farm girl plaid!!"

"Ya know what Rarity this is the fifth time we are fighting over this TODAY"

Pinkie Pie interrupts the two arguing ponies 



"Oh hello darling you have a beautiful mane, it would go great with this new dress I just started sewing!"

"Hi... I'm fluttershy..."

"Apple Jack! Pleased to meet ya"

"Hey! The names Rainbow Dash don't wear it out"

"Hello... Nice to meet you all... I'm actually quite famished I'm going to get some food now be right back!"

"Ok!" The five ponies say at the same time.

As Twilights walks she's thinking about what line to get into, after a lot of overthinking she goes to the pizza line.

"Hi can I get a slice of pizza" Twilight says unsure to the scary large chef with a big knife with the name tag that reads Chef Hatchet


Twilight grabs her food and walks carefully to her table,

"oof!" Twilight suddenly falls to the ground...


Hope you guys are enjoying the story! This is my first story! 

I know I know I'm evil for leaving you all on a cliff hanger

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