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It was the morning after the beach and Twilight woke up and realized what she just did the night before

"Oh my god...did me and Mordecai really just? No... it can't be..." Twilight mumbled to herself

"He is obviously just using me because he found out i'm the princess, rig-" before Twilight could finish overthinking to herself her mother enters the room suddenly

"Good Morning Twilight. Remember you come home right after school, you are still grounded for your actions." Her mother said while opening the blinds and windows to let the sunlight in. Twilight shields her eyes from the sudden ray of sun.

She sighs "i know..."

"Good. Now get up, you are gonna be late." Twilights mother walked out of the room closing the door behind her

"Ok..." Twilight got up from her bed stepping onto the cold wooden floors. She turns to her wardrobe to figure out an outfit for the day. It was Monday after all, she chose something lazy but cute. She picked out a collared shirt, a tan sweater vest with brown and green detailing, and a plain skirt. She did her usual morning routine and went off to school avoiding breakfast with her mother.

She enters the school grounds, her stomach churning with nervousness when she catches a glimpse of Mordecai and his friends. Mordecai was looking for Twilight the whole morning so he easily spotted her, they made short eye contact before Twilight went running to her first period. Mordecai was confused...

"Did I do something wrong?" He mumbled to himself

"Huh?" Beastboy said confused



Next Hour...

Twilight sighs in biology class, she usually loves this class and would pay attention. But right now biology was the last thing she was thinking about

"Pssssst hey Twilight you good?" Pinkie whispered noticing Twilight looked out of it

"Huh? Uh yeah..." Twilight said not sounding convincing at all

"Are you sure?" Pinkie asked again


"GIRLS if you have something important to say please share it with all of us, if you talk while I'm teaching," Mr. Benson interrupted the short conversation. The girls nodded and focused back onto the board.

A few hours passed and it was lunch again, Twilight was too distracted to eat so she just sat at the lunch table staring at the ground thinking.

"Twilight?" Apple Jack interrupted her obviously deep thoughts

"Huh? Yeah?"

"You have been really distracted this whole time, are you sure you don't want something to eat?" Apple Jack asked

"No, I'm fine. Really" Twilight lied

"Twilight! You never told us what happened last night when we all left!" Rarity said remembering last night

"Nothing really happe-"

"Uh... Hey, can we talk?" Mordecai interrupted

"Uhm... sure" Twilight walked off with Mordecai away from her group of friends who were all curious about what they must be talking about.

Mordecai and Twilight walk somewhere quieter and sat there in silence for a while

"Ok, what's going on? I thought we had something... You've been avoiding me all day," Mordecai finally said breaking the silence

"I know you're just using me for my royal status.."

"What? Why would you think that?"

"Look, I don't have time for this. I know you were just bored and the timing felt right. You don't think of me that way and I get it. I'm gonna be a princess soon and I just can't let you get in the way of that." Twilight said tears were forming in her eyes. Mordecai was shocked, he couldn't believe she would think that...

"Twilight... That's not true, I actually really like you"

"Stop playing with my feelings, OK" Twilight said while starting to walk away before she started sobbing. Mordecai grabs her arm before she can get too far and pulls her in for a kiss, Twilight was surprised but kissed back. The kiss breaks suddenly after hearing an abrupt noise

"What was that?" Twilight said

"I didn't hear anything..." Mordecai did hear the noise but he didn't want Twilight to get distracted from him.

They walk back to the lunch room like nothing happened, keeping their kisses a secret for now.

My Universe (MLP and Twilight x Mordecai)Where stories live. Discover now