She's a Princess?!

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Twilights eyes slowly open because of the bright sunlight entering the room, her eyes finally opening she realizes she is not in her room or her house. She begins to panic and looks around and quickly gets up but the door suddenly opens with Mordecai coming inside the room with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Oh, I'm sorry did I wake you up? I just needed clothes" Mordecai says

"Oh my god did we?? we didn't- did we???" Twilight says

"calm down we didn't, you were way too wasted for me to take you home so I brought you here" Mordecai explains

"Oh thank god," Twilights says relieved, Twilight then realized that he is half-naked and quickly looks away flustered, Twilights phone buzzes numerous amount of times with her worried mother texting her

"Oh my god I am so dead," Twilights says looking at all the missed calls and texts from her mom and brother

"Do you need me to drop you home?" Mordecai offers

Twilight having no other choice "fine"

After Mordecai was done changing into clothes him and Twilight make their way to his car

"I need your address," Mordecai says

"My address?? uhhh ugh fine it's 42069 Starlight Avenue, you should be able to see it when we get there" Twilight reluctantly says

"That address sounds really familiar..."


They make their way to the castle and he pulls up to the castle driveway

"No way YOU live HERE? Are YOU the princess?" Mordecai's eyes widen 

"Yes I am and please don't tell anyone at school I am begging you" 

"Not my business to tell,"

"Thank you so mu-" Twilight gets interrupted by her brother's wife knocking on the car window

"TWILIGHT YOUR MOTHER HAS BEEN SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU," Cadence says, Twilight quickly shuffles out of the car

"I know I know I'm sorry I was at Pinkies and I fell asleep there and I completely forgot to tell you guys" Twilight explains

"It's fine your mother is very worrie- who is that?" Cadence looks at Twilights driver

"He is uh my friend," Twilight says 

"ahhh ok anyway quickly go inside your mother is going to kill you,"

Twilight rushes up to the castle quickly

"Ok, now that Twilight isn't here, who are you?" Cadence says looking inside the car

"My name's Mordecai,"

"That name sounds familiar, does your mother work here? she talks about you a lot"

"Yeah she does but don't tell Twilight that please" 

"Ok ok, you should leave before the guards come"

My Universe (MLP and Twilight x Mordecai)Where stories live. Discover now