Party at Pinkies

20 3 7

Third Person POV

"WHAT?!" The two surprised ponies yelled after hearing what happened

"Wait wait so I'm confused, you like rainbow dash but rainbow dash likes Apple Jack but Apple Jack is dating Rarity???" Twilight confusingly asks

"Yeah... and then I told Rainbow Dash I liked her accidentally and then I ran before she could say anything..." Fluttershy cries

"Are you ok?" Mordecai asks while catching his breathe

"yeah! you are a pretty fast runner you should so join the track team" Beastboy exclaims cluelessly

"dude she's crying" Mordecai responds unamused

"Why'd you guys even follow us?" Pinkie asks

"We wanted to make sure you guys were ok... or whatever" Mordecai explains

He's not as bad as I thought he was... Twilight thinks to herself

"I'm fine guys, really, I just cry too much you can all go now," Fluttershy says while getting up from the ground

"I know the EXACT thing to make you feel better!! A PARTY" Pinkie yells

Party at Pinkies

"Pinkie why do you just have random party decorations in your closet?" Twilight says

"You never know when you need a party!!" Pinkie exclaims

"I gue-" Twilight gets cut off by the three loud boys

"Hey! We brought the drinks" BeastBoy yells after entering Pinkies front door

"Alchohol? Are you sure it's a good idea?" Twilight worriedly said

"The best way to heal a heartbreak is through liquor," Mordecai responds

"I guess, but I won't be drinking any," Twilight tells seriously

"Whatever princess" Mordecai rolls his eyes and sets up the keg

"Princess?! I'm not a princess who said I was a princess?!?!?!" she worriedly says

"I'm kidding princess" Mordecai winks and walks away

"Oh! people are here let's start the party!" Pinkie yells

A Few Hours Later...

Rainbow Dash walks through the front doors of the loud party, she looks around and sees a familiar face in the corner seemingly drinking away their feelings. Rainbow Dash quickly goes to the pony.


"Woah whY are you herE?" the intoxicated pony slurred her words

"I went to your house to come to see you so we can talk but your parents said you were at Pinkies and so here I am, are you drunk?" Rainbow Dash asks

Fluttershy in a drunken state "whaaat nooo why would I b-" before she could finish her sentence she threw up all the alcohol she consumed

"Oh my god let's get you cleaned up," Rainbow Dash says while picking up the tipsy pony

The two ponies entered Pinkies guest room with a bathroom attached, Rainbow Dash grabs a cloth and wipes Fluttershy's mouth

"I've never seen you like this before you're crazy," Rainbow Dash said with her eyes focused on cleaning the girl up

While Rainbow Dash cleans Fluttershy's she noticed how pretty her eyes are, she then notices a few tears coming out. She wipes the small tears

"Why are you crying?" she asks while cupping Fluttershy's face

"Why don't you hate me?" Fluttershy cries

"Hate you? Why would I hate you" Rainbow Dash questions the crying pony

"Don't make me say it again..." Fluttershy responds while her eyes wander the room

"Listen, Fluttershy this is why I wanted to talk to you..." Rainbow Dash says

Fluttershy's eyes stop wandering and settle on Rainbow Dash's

Rainbow Dash continued "I was thinking over your very very sudden confession and I realized I wasn't put off by the fact that you liked me,"


Rainbow Dash lifts Fluttershy's chin, Fluttershy's eyes widened and her cheeks turned a dusty rose. Rainbow Dash leans in and lays a kiss onto the flustered girls lips

Meanwhile downstairs

The room is blasting with music, people dancing, playing party games, and more.

"WHOOO! no one can beat the cup pong master! drink up!" Mordecai yells with excitement

"You got lucky," Beastboy said while chugging his last cup

"I hate being on a team with you, you are actually so bad," Discord said while grabbing the red plastic cup

"Ok I'm tired of winning I'm gonna go take a leak," Mordecai says while walking towards the bathroom, he stops in his tracks when he sees Twilight chugging down way too much alcohol for her to handle

"What happened to 'not drinking'?" Mordecai asks while raising his eyebrow

"Have you ever been this pretty?" Twilight wearily says

"How drunk ARE you?" Mordecai begins to worry

"I only had like uhhh 2? no like 5 drinks? who knows" Twilight shrugs her shoulders and laughs

"Ok I think we should get you hom-" Before Mordecai could finish his sentence Twilight falls asleep into his arms

"I guess I'll take you to my house then.."

Mordecai picks up twilight and walks to his car, a few people glance at the newfound couple.

They made it to Mordecai's house, he brings Twilight to his room and lets her sleep in his room, him taking the couch.


yay finally got done with this chapter at 5am yay

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