Chapter 9

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This is the most humiliating D-rank mission for a ninja. Baby-fucking-sitting. Great, we're going to gain something good about this, just great! Just where the fuck is this baby's parents? Sigh. I looked at the infant who's now looking back at me as if he understood that I'm against with this mission. Yeah, child, this is irritation.

Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke were out of the house to take care of the dogs and have them walk and poo-poo outside the compound. Great, while Kakashi, he's probably out, reading his favorite book while sitting pretty on a branch of a tree. I lifted the baby up when I heard him cry. He's grumpy – perhaps he's hungry? So, I made him a milk. I carry him on my arms and made his back touch my lap before feeding him his bottled milk.

"Child, don't you dare become a ninja in the future, huh?" I talked to him. He just looked at me. I turned my face sideways when I felt Kakashi's presence beside me. "And why is that, Kashina? Hmmm?" He asked with his famous closed-eye smile. He heard me talking to this child. I just shrug my shoulders on him – didn't bother to answer. "Just why the hell I'm taking care of this child, Kakashi-nii? I want to take care of the dogs." I pouted. Well, I enjoy taking care of this kiddo. He isn't just a toddler who'll go all out and destroy everything. He is calm even though I'm a stranger to him although whenever he's hungry, he's crying. "Or just summon Pakkun, Kakashi-niisan" I overjoyed.

But he shook his head on me, disagreeing. "Pakkun isn't a dog for entertainment, Kashina." He scolded. Phew, what a drag, besides, pakkun and I were buddies! Kakashi's being a dork, yet again. "Arara, you're thinking of something rude about me, ehh?" I ignored him. He's Hatake Kakashi for reason, he can easily read me whenever were in this kind of situation. I heard him sigh so, I looked at him. "After this mission later, meet me after the report, we'll grab some ramen and dango." Well, this is something I've been waiting for! Whenever I ask for pakkun and he disagreed – this is the dead end! FREE FOOD!

"All right, I'll stop being grumpy." I said wearing my most shit eating grin. He just tapped my head to scold me before facing the toddler. Then few hours have past, those idiots came back – messy. I guess, Naruto being eccentric plus those bulldogs, combined. The three of them took a rest for an hour while waiting for the owner of the house – the parent of this child.

After the mission, both Kakashi and I went to the Hokage office to report while the three dorks, wait, what did happen next after this mission in the series? Was it the meeting with the sand kids? Whatever, I'll check them out later. First things first, the report.

"I see, you have finished the mission, ehh? Good job, team 7." He complimented while looking at the written report that I made because Kakashi forced me to do so! He's so troublesome. "Thank you for the compliments, Lord Third." Damn, I'm getting excited over our training. After the meeting with the sand kids – the recommendation of Hatake Kakashi is up! Then my Training! Damn, I'm excited. It's an honor to be trained by the great Lord Third.

"We'll be going now, Lord Hokage." Kakashi stated after our short discussion but Lord Hokage gestured us to wait for a while. He went to the cabinet inside his office to grab 4 scrolls which made me look confused for a bit. "This is the B-class techniques for Lightning, Earth, Water and Fire. If you're able to perform one of each release – I'll train you before the Chunnin exams begin." After saying that he laughed. "Sorry, I spoiled the fun." No, you didn't. I just know that Kakashi will recommend our team to join the exam. "You may go, just come to me if you're done learning those technique"

"But Lord Third, those are B-class. She doesn't have enough time to train and learn those before the Chunnin exam-." Kakashi was cut off by the Lord Thirds chuckle. "She asked me, the Hokage of the Leaf, it's for me to test if she's capable of being my student for a meantime, Kakashi. Do you understand that?" That made Kakashi shut up. Well, I understand his reasoning, no need for Kakashi to worry since I just need to utter those names and the viola. I'll be needing to perform them privately so I wouldn't be surprised about the technique. As of now, I need to find the good spot to train. I'm sure the training ground 55 is occupied since it's for the genin  teams/individual ground. Training ground 1 is highly restricted since it's for the Hokage only. Sigh.

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