Chapter 10

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"Lightning Style: Chidori" I used Lightning released to cut the boulder in front of me. I luckily found the training ground 3 which is abandoned because it's near the Uchiha Compound. "Lightning Style: Thunderclap Arrow" I casted then a huge arrow with the speed of a thunderclap pierced the tree in front of me. Wow, Lightning release is surely the powerful, huh? Well, I do really find the lightning cooler. I tried to develop a technique which is Killua's God Speed using lightning release. I manage to develop it but only for two shots a day. It consumes a lot of life force from me so I cannot take the risk of using that technique on a battle. 

I huff. And huff and huff again. It's so tiring. Upon regaining my energy, I started reading the next scroll which is the Water Release. As for the water, I casted the "Water Style: Water Shuriken" and directly pointed it to the tree.

'Poor trees'

Next for my Fire Release. I casted "Fire Style: Great Annihilation Earth" But I immediately casted a Water wall to prevent my fire release from burning the whole training ground. That said, it devours half of my chakra so I had to open the first gate of my chakra reserves but it causes me pain. An extreme one. Lastly, for my Earth Release, I casted "Earth Style: Earth Wave Technique" that made me feel dizzy and nauseous. Ugh, I immediately undo my technique since I started to throw up and I'm tired now.

I'm aware that the Lord Third is watching so I raised my thumb to him before smirking. "I did it" I mouthed to him. And before I could fall to ground, Kakashi's gentle hands met my shoulders. I smiled to him only to be given a smack on my head. "W-why. You're merciless, I'm injured and tired yet you're hurting me." I pouted as I heard him chuckle. "It's for pushing yourself, Kashina. But, you did good there. Those were high class techniques and you manage to do release them. I'm proud of you." His eyes smiled along with his lips, it made my heart flutter.

"Thank you, Kakashi-niisan." And then I hopped on his back and let him carry me to the hospital. After the nurse healed my scratches, Lord Third entered my room. He's wearing his smile as if he's proud that his granddaughter passed her difficult exam.

"I'm expecting you to the training ground 1 tomorrow, Kashina. Hope you'll rest well because my training isn't something you should underestimate." And then he stayed for a bit to talk with Kakashi about how he recommends us for the Chunnin exams next week. Fortunately, Iruka didn't need to test me since both Kakashi and Hokage told him that I don't need to be tested because my play earlier does the honor to present myself to the Hokage.


After eating dinner that Mom and Kakashi made, they left. Well, mom being a worrywart scolded me to her extent while dad was happy to know that I'm now the Hokage's student but he also scolded me too for being a reckless. It's Kakashi's fault! They told them that I pushed myself! Tsk, that perverted man!

I looked at the clock when I realized that it's already 10:00 PM. I immediately opened the window and didn't bother to wear slippers. I quickly find Gaara and luckily, I found him immediately.

"Hi." I greeted him with a smile. His cyan eye met my eyes again and I could say that I'm a bit addicted to his eye color. It's driving me crazy. "How's your day?" I asked him before sitting down beside him. The moon is shinning above us so the moonlight is hitting his beautiful features, my heart.

His eyes were pierced on my bandages. He's examining my scratches. "What happened?" He asked. At least he asked, kind of caring. I shrug my shoulders before answering him. "Well, I trained. I also have a training tomorrow, actually for the whole week. I don't think I can manage to come again but I'll meet you again before the start of our exams. Will you be okay?" I asked him but he just stayed in silence.

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