Chapter 35

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"You called for me?" Shikamaru asked when he entered the room. I'm still admitted to the hospital even though I'm fully healed. Neji's just a worrywart so I let it slide to satisfy him.

"Yeah." One of these days, the news about the temple massacre will soon reach the Leaf. I need to prepare. Only Shikamaru can play along with my plan. After all, this is his team's scene. "My handsome cousin... I think I need you to discuss something. I just predicted something and that bothers me... a lot." I smirked.

"What is it?" He asked with his right brows raising.


"How's Naruto's training?" I asked Sai when I reached the Hokage mountain. I'm still not talking to Sakura and Naruto and that made them feel guilty. Kakashi already started his training with the help of Yamato. They're all busy so I asked Sai to inform me about Naruto's progress.

"Ah, still cutting leaves? It looks easy but it's actually difficult." He answered before eating his apple. "Sakura is making a food pills for Naruto. Kakashi-sensei and Captain Yamato is busy supervising Naruto's training." He added.

"I see, Sai. Thank you." I smiled on him before giving him a pat on his head.

"Hm? Why aren't you forgiving them? Are you still mad at them, Kashina?" He asked curiously. I smiled, he's now changing and is already out of Danzo's manipulative hands. Good grief.

"Hmm, I'm not mad to Sakura and Naruto... it's just I'm mad on their actions and dumbness. Sakura and Naruto's special to me... of course, you also. I'm not considering you as my brother because you joined the team... I treat you as my brother because you're you. And you deserve to be my brother." I told him. He stopped eating his apple and immediately turned his back on me. I think his eyes just got burned. This guy, really! His emotion's finally coming back to him.

"Besides, those two need to realized their faults. What they did was wrong and I want them to realize that. Well, this already happened before, I made them realized their faults. It's just this time... I got tired but my feelings for them stayed the same. Yes, they're all immature but they're dependable and fine." After I said that, I looked upwards to meet the moonlight.

Man, can I just borrow Sasuke's Sharingan to record the beauty of the moon?

"Maa, I'll be going now Sai. Take care of those dumbs! Bye-bye!" I waved my goodbye before teleporting inside my favorite resto-bar! Damn! It's been a while since I hang around here. Tsunade's not here so I guess, she's busy.

I just take out a liter of Sake before teleporting inside our house. I immediately found him at the kitchen counter, preparing our dinner. I leaned my body against the wall before crossing my arms on my chest.

I stared on him. He's so cute while wearing his black sport shorts and normal T-shirt with Hyuuga crest on his back plus an apron! He's so cute! I suddenly remember Minato - I forgot the episode but he's wearing his Blue Jonin attire while also wearing his pink apron and is washing the dishes! Oh my God! You must be so blessed, Kushina?!

"Hmm? Why are you just standing there?" He asked without looking on me. "Hmm? Ah! Alcohol again? I noticed that you're drinking a liter every night." He told me when he saw me holding a bottle of Sake.

Well, I can't help. I've been feeling nervous ever since I told Shikamaru about my plan.

"Is something wrong?" Arara, there he is again! Every since I tried to kill myself Neji changed! I mean, I don't think it's for good or bad but he suddenly became sweet? or he just cares or what! I don't know! He's hard to figure out! I mean, he's Neji! He's always calm and collected so it wasn't a surprise if I got irritated because I can't figure him out.

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