Chapter 51

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Kashina's POV

I felt bad for restraining Hagoromo's children but I can't let Obito do whatever he wanted. He's hurting everybody and I can't just sit back and relax. Even though they could manage, they're still receiving such physical pain and I prayed hard to secure Neji and other's safety until their appearance here. 

"Hey, Tailed-beasts-sama. Fight his chains inside you! I know you guys can hear me! You guys are more powerful than any other Eye Dojutsu!! YOU. ARE. THE. CHILDREN. OF. HAGOROMO. OTSUTSUKI!" I shouted. And that made everyone gasp even Obito. He was confused on how I gained that knowledge. And I know, even him... didn't know that these beast are Hagoromo Otsutsuki's children. 

They all growled as if their insides where up against Obito's chains. Damn, too troublesome. 

It's just a luck that the Gedo statues still in shape and the 10 tails still wasn't revived. Hope that Jiraiya could make it in time and join the other Kages on holding Madara for a while. 

Obito's quick-witted to lowered the beast so they could escape the grip of my dragon. I had sucked at least huge amount of their chakra so I felt energetic. My reserves just got wider. I have gathered a lot of powerful jutsu's under my sleeves so I guess, It's time to go all out. 

I casted Lightning Release: Consecutive Lightning Spears to stop the beasts from forming their Biju Bombs. 

'I'm really sorry guys. I promise you... I'll help Naruto to release everyone.' 

"Kurama!!!!!!" I shouted before jumping backwards when Obito transported in front of me. This fox!! I had to undo my bind technique so my bind becomes dull and every beasts just got escape and made their way backwards. "I know you don't want to baby Naruto but trust him okay?! He's the one that Hagoromo's talking about!!!!!" I shouted and Kurama's chakra just leaked as if he's saying that he can hear what I'm saying.

Even Gyuki's chakra leaked outside Killer Bee's body. And all beast growled as they heard what I told to Kurama. 

"Oi Madara wanabe , will you refrain of using these cute huge tailed beast in this foolish plans of yours together with that Old man who's supposed to die." I said sarcastically. Well of course, I'm referring to the Reall Uchiha Daddy and he's just a cute hunk so better he stay in his place. 

Kakashi frowned beside me but before he could utter a word, the ground started to shake. This is where the tailed beasts and Gedo Statue will be separated. 

"Kashina? Any plans in mind?" Guy-sensei asked but I just smirked as Naruto finally made it outside the mouth of Son Goku. 

"Naruto and Kurama finally made it. Now, let's just watch the clash of titans." I giggled on them but they just throw me a look which made me earn an irk on my forehead. What an impudent men! "Listen here, if Naruto and Kurama transform into their Beast mode. You two go will go inside Kurama so he could heal the both of you. As for me... I'll battle that Madara... and yep! You'll face the beast." I told them with a smile. 

"No! That's too reckless!" Kakashi disagreed but Guy-sensei stopped him. He knew more than anyone else in here that I'm the lone one who could face that guy. 

"Leave the rest to me, Kakashi-niisan. Guy-sensei and you can handle these cute beast." I stated. I know that they can handle this. This is nothing compared to facing the 10 tails so we better move quickly before Kakashi and Obito's future reunion. 

I quickly teleported myself outside Naruto's range. I walked towards to Obito above the growling Gedo Statue. It's a bit shaky so I had to put a chakra under my foot to stable my pace. 

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