Love Me II

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One Month Later


"When was the last time you slept with Drake?" Lila asked me.

"About a month ago. Why?"

"Well, I heard that he's sleeping with Ash and that girl is a walking STD. Just wanted to make sure he doesn't give you that shit."

"Thanks for looking out, babe. Not that I'm ever sleeping with him again, but next time I won't do it raw."

"Did you actually?"

"In my defense, he's the only guy I've ever done that with. Plus, we've only slept with each other on two occasions."

"I think he's the best you ever had."

"Girl, please."

"Keep denying it. There's a reason why you two always come back together."

"What are you on? I'm not even talking to him at the moment."

"You always pick silly fights with him. It's easier to be angry at him than for him to see you vulnerable. I just know he does things to you on a non-sexual level. You can deny it all you want but you've never slept with a man that you "hate"."

I rolled my eyes and walked away from her. I had no time for her nonsense. I stepped out of the VIP Section of the club to go on the dance floor. That's when I saw him. I mean I see him everytime I go to the club but this is the first time we've made eye contact since our fight. I always made sure to stay as far away from him as possible but tonight--whatever happens, happens.

He was sitting at the bar with Ash, clearly bored out of his mind. I broke eye contact and went to the dance floor. I'm always in my own world when I'm on the dance floor. I could feel so many eyes on me because honestly, I was giving everyone a show. When the song was over, I looked up and he was intensely staring at me. I laughed and walked over to the bathroom.

I opened the door and shut it, making sure to leave it unlocked. Minutes later, I heard the door open and close and I smelled his cologne. He came up to me from behind and wrapped his hands around my waist.

"Are you done being mad at me? I missed you," he said while nibbling on my ear.

My body betrayed me and I let out a small moan. He backed me up against the wall and started placing kisses all over my neck, marking his territory.

I pushed him away and said, "We're not doing this here."

"Then come home with me."

"Aren't you with the walking STD? I think I'm good."

"I'm not with her. I've never slept with her. She's just my friend."

"Do you really expect me to believe that?"

"I'm telling the truth. Believe what you want. The last time I had sex was with you. Don't think you could say the same."

"Fuck you," I said while pushing past him.

He grabbed my hand and slammed me against the door.

"Now, I've had it up to here with your little tantrums. You like being angry at me and I don't like that shit. It's fucking draining, Nika."

"Don't fucking call me that!"

I removed my hand from his hold and walked out of the bathroom. I headed back up to the VIP Section and noticed Lila was gone. I sighed and got ready to leave the club before a tall, dark-skinned guy approached me.

Drake was now in the section within ears reach.

"Can I buy you a drink?"

"Be honest. You want to fuck me, right? Let's skip the niceties because after all, all I am is a fucking whore. Lead the way."

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