Still kiri pov.

Dabi know lay passed out on floor the same as dabi and shigi.i was sat on the couch sober I may add watching a drunk bakago spin around the room laughing,
"Hey kat" I called him over.
He came over stumbling slight,still holding a bottle of all most empty vodka.
I waited for him to come and sit nexst to me ,out of my surprise he sat on my lap straddling me,I blush as he takes a nother swig of vodka.
"D-do-dont y-you th-think we s-sho-" my stuttering was interrupted by kat kissing me,I kissed back pulling him closer by his hips.

Breaking the kiss,I picked bakago up,his legs wrapped round me as I helded him by his thighs.kissing his neck as I walked the stairs back to my floor.

I stopped carring kat as we go to my room he stood the take off his jacket,i walked behind him placing my hand in his hips.
"You know kat as hot as that one you should sleep of the drunkenness"i laugh slightly
"Eijor kirishima."his voice was slurred as he turned round looking up at me to kiss me,before passing out in my arms.
Laughing some more I tucked him up in my bed removing anything that could be uncomfortable for him to sleep in.

kat has been alseep for an hour know,I turn to look at his sleeping figure.he so cute.i bent down brushing his hair slowly before kissing his forehead.
"I'll be back before you know it,cutie" I said before grabbing my jaket and walking.out the door.

Explosion boy pov.

I woke up back in kiri bed, ugh my head,I sat up holding my head.ugh I must have drank a lot last night,I though as I fiddled with one of my ear piercings.i looked over to wher I though kiri would be,to my suprised he wasn't there.disappointed I made my down stairs to the bar. My fingers trasing the doors as I pass them on kiri floor.

As I walk through on corridor, untill i came across i room I haven't been in.i pushed agains the door verey slightly as opened a was dark With a red tint,before I could explore more I hear the door down stairs slam shut.shit shit shit! I shut the door quickly before making my way down stairs to see kiri,rubbing blood off his face with a damp cloth.
"You mum is one crazy bitch"
" know I now where you get you craziness from but your way hotter"
I laugh slightly at his comment,as I walk up to him taking the rag form him stabbing it on the cut over his right eye,
"Let me guess she chucked a knife at you"i laugh pouring rubbing alcohol in to the cut.
"Actally it was my quirk"he laugh
"Your fucking dumbass,shitty hair"

I sat at the bar and ask smoke boy for a beer,I looked at kirishima he gave me a look and told smoke git to just give me water.i gave kiri I pissed if look his replie was him crossing his arms and giving me a really kat look as I drank the water.
" so what did you do to my parents?"
"Turn on the news"
I did just that to see them reporting on two bodies hanging from UA front gates.
"Oh and kat I got you some more bounce balls" I was handed a bag of eye ball kirishima leaned over to my hear.
"You have 5m to put them in a pickle jar and them come up stairs"
He sounded mildly pissed off what scared me as I've never seen him pissed off before.i quickly put the eyes in the pickle jar before running up the stairs.

I was on the last set of stairs not paying attention, I pushed the door to kiris floor.i walked in to something making me stumble backwards slightly.
"The fuc-"
A hand grabbed my face making me look up at them.kiri?
"Haha Haha kastuki bakago.we have some rules you are going to obey"kiris eyes wher dark before he grabbed my wrist dragging down the dimely light corridor.before stopping out side the door I opened earlier.
"Rule one you will not enter this room again got it"
I nodded
"Can yo-" he started to drag me again
"Ow you idiot stop!"

When we got his room he chucked me on the bed.
"Two do not drink alcohol unless it's a celebration only because I dont want you become an alcoholic.
And three~"
He said the last bit a seductive manna,crawling on top of me before whispering in my hear.
"Your.mine" he said before moving my shirt collar and biting down with his shark like teeth.

Blood started to seep from bite as kiri pull away licking the blood his mouth.

Villanus Strawberry     bakago x villan kirishima Where stories live. Discover now