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Toga pov.

"Hey kiri,wheres kat?"I watched as he took a 2 beers from the fringe.
"Hes asleep,why?"
"Awww I wanted to see if he would come and kill with meee" I pulled a poting face at kiri  has he made his way back upstairs.
"Mabey when he can walk" kiri winked at me straight away I got what he meant.
"KIRISHIMA!!" I watch as he laughs and runs upstairs.
"Fuck sake"i laugh slightly as I made my way out.

Kiri pov.

I walk through the door seeing bakago cuddling the the hoodie I put on him.
Chuckling slightly I actived my quirk opening one of the beers,I sat on the bed brushing the hair out of kats face.
"God you cute" I whispered to my self taking a swig from the beer.
"Fuck you"kats was full of sleep as he slowly opened his eyes.
"I can if you want,puppy"i wink at him taking a nother swig.
"Mmmm" through his sleepy state he just tapped me on the arm as a form of a punch.i laugh,kissing his cheek softly
"Have you been drinking"
"I've only had one beer this my second"laughing I sat cross legged in front of him.kat took this at a chance to crawl over to me,and sit on my lap facing me. Hes arms wrapped round my neck,he face hiding in the crook of my neck.i took another swig in the process I pulled the hood down,making his fluffy hair poof up.
"Fluffyyy" I giggled slight as I played with his hair free hand.
"What percentages is that alcohol,kiri?"
" ummmmm 8.9%"
" can I have one?"
"Beg for it"
"Whattt your cute when you beg for my dick."
I watched as kats ears went mildly red,I finshed the bottle.
I pushed kat, backwards so I was on top of him.
"Or mabey I should just make it so you beg for that instead" kissing his neck
I smirked at him moan as I sat up grabbing the other beer.
"So what ya gonna beg for,baby boy" I teased slightly while laughing.
"Can I have a beer" kat said sitting up pulling his hood back up hiding all the hickeys on his neck.
"What the magic word~" I say pulling down his hood ruffly.i know he hates the word please buttttt hes so cute when his says it.
" p-pl-please" I grabbed his chin and kissed handing him the beer.
"Good boy,"I whispered in to ear.

Kat pov.

I shivered as kiri whispered in to my ear,trying to hide my red face I look down at the beer trying to open it with my quirk,
" you quirk wont working in hear just yet.hear let me help" kiri took the bottle and popped the cap with his quirk handing it back to me.
"Thanks shitty hair"
"Brat"kiri laughed as I took a swig.
"Oh yeah mabey when you can walk again,toga wanted to go hunting with ya" kiri was standing by his dress rummaging through draws.
"Okay then boom boom boy prove it" kiri replied turning round to face me.
I took another swig before placing the bottle on the table near the bed.
Swing my legs so they wher dangling over the bed,I took a deep breath and stepped on the cool wooden floor,
"Ah see I can use my legs"i stood in triumph as I looked at kiri.
"Is that so? Okay then walk toward me" kiri  promted me by opening his arms slightly,
Okay mabey I was to cocky cause as soon as I took a step forward I felt my knees give in as I began to fall to the floor,i shut my eye and put my hands out,when the impact did not come I opened my eyes to see kiri holding me slightly.
"Told you"
"Shut up shitty hair" a death silence filled the room,shit kiri ain't happy,I thought as cuddle in to his chest,causing the tension in the room to calm slight.
"Katskui bakago" his voice was stern
"Mmyeah"i said trying to sound tired as possible.
"What did I say about calling me that"
"Not to"i looked down slightly I cant belive I'm being so submissive to the idiot.
"Right, so what are you gonna say"
Kiri picked me up placing me on his lap facing him so I was still cuddling him.

Kiri pov.

I hear kat mummer something as I began to play with his hair,presuming it was a sorry,I kissed his neck then whent back to playing with his hair

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2022 ⏰

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