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Kiri put me some shorts as I sat on the floor waiting for kiri to finish untieing the rope keeping my hands to geather.

Once my wrist wher free I went to take the collar off,only to have my head pulled back but my hair and my wrist to be held away from me.
"Take it off and I will muzzle you"kiri whispered in to my ear causing me to nod in response.
Crawling to my feet I could feel how unsteady my legs where,i still tryed to walk falling back on to my knees.
"You look good on you knees,baby" kiri teased as he picked me up bridal style.
"Fuck you shitt-" I stop my self from insulting him and just nuzzled in to his chest as he walk to his room.

Kiri pov.

I place kat on my bed gently,putting the covers over him.
"Mmmm" kat grabbed me a hazed state pulling me on to the bed and cuddling in to me.
"Hey kat"i laughter slightly at his cuteness.
"Mm" he cuddled closer to me
"I- I love you"i said pulling the covers over us kissing his for head.
"I l.love you too"his voice was tired as he replied making me pull him closer to me.

*nexst morning*

Kuigor pov.(sorry again)

I was polishing the glass in the bar,waiting for someone to came down,it was 7 am not many people will he awake till 9 or half 8.i put some of the glasses away,I.notice a familiar black hair person.
Heard him whisper something under his breath.
"Where are you going this time.in the morning?"
Walked out slamming the door,ugh tomra is going to be pissed I though as I picked up the new window for kirishima.

Toga pov.

I lay in my bed tired as fuck.
"I'm gonna go back to sleep" I murmured turning over,to hear my door open,I'm.guess it was kuigor as they lifted the coveres over me more,and putting my toy knife back on my bed.

Kuigor pov.

I walk in to kiriroom,placing the new window against the wall, turning to leave
"Cheers man I'll put it in to day"i turned to see kiri leaning against a door,smiling his classic tooth smile.
I bowed before leaving,cause him to laugh slight.

Kiri pov.

Look away from the door,and look back at the know wide awake kat.
"Morning  puppy"i wink before heading back in to the bathroom to run a bath.
As I was fiddling round with the water temperature,I heard something fall to the floor.
"Fuck" kat voice was quiter, I went to check on what he was saying fuck about,
Walking in to the room I saw kat on the floor.
"You knew you woulnt be able to walk"i laugh walking over.
"Fuck you shitty hair- I fregot about it"he whispers the last part,hiding his face,I could help be aww in how cute his is but he did insult me so...
I grabbed him by collar before grabbing his face to make him look at me,showing that his face was getting redder.
"Stop calling me shitty hair,brat"
I watched as his face went even more redder that is all ready was.
"Y-ye-yes s-si-sir" I let go off his face making him look down straight away,hiding his face.
"You look so cute flustered"i whispered in to ears picking him up.
"S-sh-shut u-up"he turned his head in to my chest as I walk to the bathroom.

I placing him back on the floor,he looked up at me his face so cute,I began to take my shirt off,out the corna of my eye I watched him look away.

Kat pov.

I turned away as kiri got changed to get in to the walm water,I felt twice fingures grab my chin lightly.
"Need some help with the shorts,baby boy"
I slowly took my shorts off once he let go of my chin,kiri responsed by picking me up and placing me in the bath tub the walm warter feeling soothing on my skin, I felt kiri arms wrapped round me pulling me closer to him.
The water water was so calming,I started to feel sleep,my head leaning back on to kirishima shoulder as he began to play with my hair washing it slight.

My eyes where on the verge of closing as kiri lifted me out the tub,drying my off.
I watched through my tired eyes as kiri left the bathroom, not wanting to be left alone I crawled to the door.the door swang open to slight nearly hitting my bandaged arm,bandage arm?how have I not noticed that.
I felt something warm and fluffy get pulled over my head as I look at my arm.putting my arms through what was pulled over my head,I looked up at the tall figure that only had black Jean's on and a towel  over his shoulders.
"Awwww you look so cuteee"kiri kneels down picking me up slight taking me back to the bed room,placing me back on the bed

Villanus Strawberry     bakago x villan kirishima Where stories live. Discover now