Shark boi pov.

After kat said he would join the league and become a villan I left him in my room to sleep,coming down stairs smiling as per usual.
Toga looked at me as I came through the bar door as i sat back down with them,
"He all right kiri"
"Yeah his good know toga"
"His he ya know gonn-"
"Your look alike as all ready join,vampire"i said to toga winking slightly
"Hes not my look alikeeeee"she replied laughing slightly
"Hes my brother"she said taking a slip of her drink
I laughed asking her really she just nodded her head before finishing  her drink before skipping out the bar and into the streets.
"Yes my dear smoke freind"still laughing and in shock the bakago had siblings
"Is ther any think ya want me to know?"
"Oh yeah dont give bakago any alchole for the time being"
Kuagur(sorry I cant spell his name) nodded his head before going back to what he was doing.

*some time later*
"So asshole,what's blondie to you?"dabis voice perked up
"Huh? Hi hes just a freind"
Dabi looked at me with a smirk
"So you wont mind me taking will you" dabi stood up and started to head to the stairs,making me stand up nocking my chair over,activating my quirk and stood in the door.
I shoved dabi away causing him to fall on to floor before walk up the stairs deactivation my quirk

As I got to my floor I walk through the corridor to my room and saw kat just leaving,he was wearing my balck hoodie this time instead of his own my guess who couldn't find it.
"Soo bakabro, I've notice you have a eyebrow piercing, periceing do you have exactly?" Putting my arm round his waist leading him back in to my room.
"3 in my ear,got my tongue peirce, 5"
"Wow man cam I see" I ask as be moved his hair showing the ear piercing and sticking his tongue I looked at his tongue one his hand still on his head I noticed him wink for a second.
"You got any piercing kiri?" He face was so cute when he asked.
"I have my tongue done that it"i smile sticking out my tongue winking at kat,his face going a pale red.
"Suits ya."
"Thanks, you suit you too explosion murder~" I tease slightly laughing
He laughed with me slightly before stopping,leaving complete silence..

"Mmm"looking at him, he had know put the hood up hiding his face slightly.
"What happens?"
I laughed slightly as I fell backwards resting my head in my hands.
"Well, my parents found out I was gay, oh they struggled so much in ther restraints when they said the would get ride of me and my crush.ther still I'm the basement alive sadly"i laugh slightly psychoticly
"C-ca-can I me-meet then?" His stuttering was cute
"Sure!"i said happily grabbing his non banged wrist dragging he down to the basement.

*at the basement*

I open the basement door for kat look at my "parents", chain up agains the wall dried blood littered their mum look up at us as kat walked in turning on the light,here teeth where gritted shut.
"Kiri.can i"
"Sure only if I can so the same to yours kastuki~"
He smirked as I shit the basement door and went to the bar.

Bakago pov.

Kiri shut the door as I turned to his so called parents.
"Hiya! Mr and mrs k" i said a sweet as I could,his mother looked up at me the fauther didnt even give me a glance.
"YOU! IT YOUR FAULT ARE SON IS A SIN!!"she screamed and wailed.
I put my hand up against her month,active my quirk but not sending an explosion just heating up my.hand verey verey hot,you could hear her skin sizzle under neath my hand.ooh know the father looks at me.
"SHUT UP!! I'm gonna burn her skin slowly till her jaw his hanging by a thread!" I shout look in to the eyes of the woman.

Taking my hand away,her face burned to the bone,kinda suits her,I started to laugh slightly,turning to to the man tears down his face.
"What are you laughing at?!why are you doing this?!"
"Why?!why!?"I said send and explosion in to the womans head,exploding,blood going every where on me and the husband.
"You hurt someone I care about deeply,you cast some one I love out for no reson no wonder he felt like he wasnt good enough it was because of you!!" I scream slightly placing my hand on his head causing yet again shull fragments,parts of brain and lots of blood.i look at my work and saw the fathers eye dangling from his carcass,squashing it slightly while walking our of the basement to the bar.

Shark boy pov.

I was sat at the bad talking with shigi when we head some kinda screaming we turn to face the door waiting for something else to happen,that some thing else was kat walking through the door squashing something softly and covered in blood.he looked kinda hot..
"Had fun did we?" I say smirking slightly as started to to play catch with what was in his eye.
"Fuck.yes!"sitting in the stool nexst to me.
"Kat is that-"
"And eyeball yes,it makes a great bouncy ball" he intercepted me.chucking it in to a wall and provided to bounce around the,kat and shigi both watch as it bounce around,
"Hey gu-" dabi walking through the door getting interrupted from the eyeball flying in to his mouth, my face scrunched up in mild discise and attempting not to laugh the same as kat and shigi.
"Hey dabi get out the wa-. Kastuki!!!" Toga barge past a choking dabi and running towards kat.
"himiko!!!" Kat jumped up hugging the small vampire girl.
I look at kat bloody face cute smile.
"Hes getting blood every where" I heard shigi say scratching is neck slowly still.
" yeah but leave him to have fun with his sister for know." Looking at the chat and mess about was cute.

Dabi final came over to us popping the grey blue eyeball in a pickle jar.
"How was the food dabs?" I laugh slightly
"Fuck you kirishima"
"What you not a fan of fresh eyeballs" shigarki laughed at dabi as he drank a deer.

It was know 12:00 at night toga had gone her floor same as shigarki, dabi was past out drunk and kat still covered in blood was sitting nexst me drink sparkling water as I wouldnt let him have vodka much to his disappointment.
"Hey kat shall we go up stairs know?"
"Sure why not."
He has settled I'm nicely. Passing togas floor kat shouted good night to his little sister,I  smiled at how cute the wher together.

As we chatted and got my floor I showed kat around there was a lot of we where standing in the large empty room kat turned round and hugged me,even the blood was midly dry it still go all over me as I hugged back.
"Kastuki you have go blood all over me" I laugh
He giggles slightly
"Has something snapped in you hot head"i laugh pocking him in the head.
"You giggled the great Kastuki bakago giggled"i cheered leading him to the bath room.i head him laugh as I shoved him in the bathroom me following behind locking the door.
"Um your staying in hear?"
"No I'm gonna get you some clean cloths through the other door to my room" I laugh at his stupidity as he laughed nervous turning on the shower.

Villanus Strawberry     bakago x villan kirishima Where stories live. Discover now