‹1› Trip day

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"Tony, are you sure about spending this much," The woman who went by the nickname 'Black Widow', a.k.a Natasha Romanoff spoke while pointing at a piece of paper and looked at the male who was Iron Man, a.k.a Tony Stark, "on a trip, vacation after a mission?"

Speaking of mission, the famous Avengers, a team of elite men of humanity, have just finished a serious weapon and drug smuggling case that's linked to a group of terrorists. Dangerous, yes, but no one was severely harmed, just a few scatches were made, and a little bit draining.

"Sure, you forgot who I am?" The billionaire said looking at his teammate with a hilarious look, earning a few eye rolls from the team's captain, Captain America, a.k.a Steve Rogers.

"Nat, if he wanted to spend it, just let him be. Plus, I'm a bit curious about how Japan looked like here. Don't tell me you didn't feel the same." Steve chuckled from the other side of the room, not so far away from the round table where the two heroes were sitting at.

"Fine. Whatever you do." The female sighed and put her arms up in defeat while taking a few steps back with a smile.

"We'll drag everyone with us, you know, the more the merrier right? Legolas, you should really join, like reeeaaaallly, you never went to vacation anywhere but around a few states here in America." Tony spoke while looking at the other male in another corner of the room, known as his teammate, Hawkeye, a.k.a Clinton Barton.

The male snickered at the billionaire's words and invitation. "I'd like to go, but really, I've got a family here, I should spend more time with them."

"Aww that sucks Legolas... I am honestly, seriously, begging you to join us." Tony dragged with a fake beggy face, making his comrades laugh.

"Oh no, then I'm honestly, seriously, politely declining your delicious offer. Just let me spend my time with my family, and I promise next time I'll join." Clinton laughed and mimicked the other male's act, as a joke of course.

"Ok Stark..." Steve chuckled and tried to pause for his speech, "it's family-first for him remember? Let him be, he promised and next time we'll bring him with us no matter what he says to stop us."

"Fine, 'mom'." The billionaire male groaned, "Oh, is Point Break gonna go? Nat, text him. I'm gonna text Jolly Green for a bit."

"Ok you rich ass." The female laughed at his given nicknames for two of the team's other members, known as Thor and the Hulk, or Thor Odinson and Bruce Banner.

After a little while of keyboard noises and finger tapping, someone finally decided to speak.

"Ok he declined," Natasha spoke, preparing herself to snicker at Iron Man's reaction.

"Oh, that sucks. How about Underoos?"

"He also declined. I figured out you would ask so I asked him before you could open your mouth, or tap 'dear Bruce' on your phone." She snickered.

"Eh... Well... That reaaalllly sucks. But now, what sucks, even more, is that-"

"Mr. Stark," The billionaire's AI spoke, making Steve, Natasha and Clinton flinched a bit.

"Damn that was quick. Go on Jarvis." Tony flicked his hand and averted his gaze towards the aquarium.

"Yes, sir. The flight will take off in precisely five hours. Miss Romanoff, Mr. Rogers, please go back to your rooms. I will have most of your essentials prepared. Mr. Stark, I have everything done." The AI informed the people in the room.

Tony's teammates stared at the man in disbelief.

"You actually planned this? You bastard..." Clinton chuckled to lessen the tension of the last word he spoke.

"Yeah, I did. I'm so excited, can't help it."

"How about Pepper? Is she going?" Natasha asked.

"Sadly, no. She received an invitation to a business vacation trip to Europe. It's a ticket. Only one, so I decided to go to Japan for a while."

"A while?! God knows how long is your 'a while'..." Clinton mumbled and walked over to Stark's seat.

"So, how long?" The male bent down and asked his teammate.

Tony swallowed the air as he felt the stares.

"Five months."


"FIVE MONTHS?! That's almost half a fucking year-"


"You're planning to leave everything here or something?!" Clinton shouted.

"Hey calm down you hot-headed hawk." Steve ran over and patted the bowman's shoulder.

"Of course not Legolas, I'm a genius remember? I have Pepper, and Jarvis, sometimes Forehead of Security would help me as well. Now we're losing precious time. Nat, Cap, go prepare, we're heading out soon."

'I'm ignored.' Steve thought, 'fucking ignored'

Time skip cuz whatever.

"Alright, ready to go teammates?" Tony's voice echoed throughout the tower, via a system of loudspeakers.

"Whatever Tony, your AI told us to be ready before the plane takes flight, didn't it?" Bruce laughed while walking towards the flight ground, where the fancy male was at these 15 minutes back.

"Nat and Cap are being late, I'm surprised," Tony mumbled, darting his eyes around.

"They're at the stairs, I passed them earlier." Bruce panted out because walking so damn fast drained his energy, no shit.

"Oh, ok. We're waiting, patiently, here, until their slug asses- Oh here they are." Tony stopped his insulting as soon as he saw the other two walked out of the glass door.

"I think we're all ready then. Let's head off. To the plane we go!" The billionaire cheered, trying to forget what he said. But the witness is his scientist bro, Bruce, so no way's passing through his head.

"Stark! Slow down! You're too fast for a man your age!" Natasha shouted and jogged after him, making the captain and hulk laugh.

Tony jumped into the aircraft, followed by his female teammate, then the other two males.

"So? Our destination?" Bruce asked.

"No one's gonna fucking drive this bird right?!" Natasha half panicked, and Steve calmed her down.

"Japan of course." The billionaire answered his scientist friend's question, ignoring all the chaos in the aircraft while settling down in his seat by the window.

"No, I mean, where?" Bruce asked again after sitting down and put his stuff away, so did the other two.

"Hmm... Tokyo. Chiyoda City." The male answered simply.

"Ok... It shouldn't be something too expensive or I'll kick your head off." Natasha threatened the male.

"Go ahead. It's Aman Tokyo hotel. Not too expensive for me, but it is for you."

"... how much?"

"866 USD a person per night." (31% discount y'all. The original cost was high af-)

"Stark... I'll kill you when we land," Natasha mumbled, feeling the aircraft lifting off.

"Fine, but I guess you'll forget the deal when we land, which is in about 6 hours or so," Tony said while closing his eyes.

"... this bastard..."

"Hey, at least I'm being nice by inviting you on a trip abroad to the most beautiful country in the Eastern, in my opinion." The billionaire snapped his eyes open and argued.

Steve and Bruce snickered silently as they looked at the passing clouds.

How will this little trip go?

› 《~Thanks for reading~》 ‹

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