‹3› The incident

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"You decided to take a stroll around Tokyo, didn't you?" Natasha scoffed.

"Hmm no. But yes." The male answered simply while staring at his phone.

"Foothill of Mount Mushiro?" Steve asked after peering into the male's phone.

Then the driver said in a slight English accent, with a bit of confusion in his tone.

"You are going there to meditate?" He asked.

"Umm, yes," Stark answered, confused about why the man decided to ask their destination.

"I can't drop you off exactly where you told me to. But I'll drop you off nearby, about ten blocks away. Is that alright?"

"Um, mister, can I ask why?" Natasha asked the driver with slightly furrowed brows.

"Hm, because the place radiates weird energy. Although there's still a calming aura in it, at some times of the day, about noon till midnight, it's unsettling to stay around."

"How?" Tony asked, raising a brow.

"I don't know. But many customers of mine had their destination there, we would arrive at a variety of times of the day, and to my experience, it's most unsettling at sunset."

"Wow that seems creepy," Bruce mumbled.

"But it's morning now you know?" Tony said.

"Yes. I know. But I have issues with the aura there, so I hope you don't mind me dropping you off at quite a distance away."

"No, we don't mind actually. Sometimes going out for a walk could help us improve our mental health." Steve laughed, making the man smile warmly.

"Alright. I'm glad to hear that. Not many foreign customers of mine are this nice."

"They're rude?" Tony asked.

"Yes. Maybe that's because I'm an Asian, or Japanese to be exact."

"Ah, racists. You shouldn't mind them really." Natasha nodded and told the driver.

"Thank you." He chuckled.

Then for the next 6 minutes, the members of the Avengers took their time to glance outside the car window, sometimes they would take a few pictures to keep.

"We're here. I hope you enjoyed your ride." The middle-aged man said as he pulled over to the side.

"That's quick. Thank you anyway." Natasha nodded a thank you to the man.

Meanwhile, Stark, Rogers, and Banner opened the doors and already set their foot outside. At least Steve was being polite to Natasha by holding the door open for her.

"Why is it so deserted here?" Bruce asked.

"It's a workday for everyone in this neighborhood so most of them are at work or school, some locked themselves in to prevent crimes." The middle-aged driver answered his question from inside the car.


"Ah, just a reminder, please be careful as the path goes on."

"Ok, thank you." Tony nodded to the man and turned to walk on the cobblestones pathway, he didn't forget to usher his friends of course.

"Thank you," Natasha muttered once again before following the rest of her friends.

The pathway was airy and refreshing since this was the outskirts of Tokyo. There were hardly any houses that looked modern, there were only rundown houses and the sort. Most of the buildings are on the right.

『Unnamed』 ◆ Avengers x JJK x reader ◆Where stories live. Discover now