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Since there are going to be dual language as conversations, keep this in mind.

Japanese will be underlined.

English will be normal.

When there's a single language as conversation, the texts will be normal.

Thank you for reading.

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"Wahhhh... Where has Rumi-chan been going to... Life's so boring without her..." A pink-haired boy, known as Yuuji Itadori, sulked in his bed.

His eyes tiredly traveled towards the dark sky outside, through the glass door.

Then he looked over to the newly bought stack of manga he just brought home 3 hours ago (3 in the afternoon), and he has been waiting for a certain person since then.

But then someone busted through his door and shouted, "Itadori! Let's go! There was a Second-Grade curse sensed just outside of Tengen-sama's shield!"

Of course the pink-haired boy knew who slammed open his door and went shouting in his room. But upon hearing 'Second-Grade curse' and 'just outside of Tengen-sama's shield', he snapped out of his boredom and sprung up with a worried face.

"Gojo-sensei assigned us to this mission, only the two of us." The black-haired boy who busted into his classmate's room, known as Megumi Fushiguro, said in a hurry.

"Well, where are Rumi-chan and Kugisaki?"

"Sadly, that man-child of a teacher dragged Kaneko-san with him for sweets, and Kugisaki was out for a clothing haul," Megumi said with a mental facepalm and a trembling voice due to running.

"So that's where she'd been going these 3 hours back... Never mind that, let's go Fushiguro!" Yuuji said with a determined look on his face, which received a nod from the other boy.


"Nue!" The black-haired boy clasps his thumbs together and made a hand gesture of one of his shikigami.

A huge red bird appears from beside him.

Just in time Yuuji boy caught up with his friend. "Fushiguro! Wait for me!"

"Wait no... I can't take that curse down. There are people out there. Nue, bring the people in." He tells the bird that was resting on his arm.

It looks at him and then takes off with its thick huge wings. The boys stay and watch.

The shikigami immediately flies down to pick Steve and Tony by its talons, carefully not to rip through their flesh, and then flies up to the hill where Yuuji and Megumi were.

It puts them down gently on the grass and takes off to retrieve the other two.

Meanwhile our boys they look at the men with curiosity.

"Oh wow... They fought with that thing... That's damn brave..." Megumi mumbles.

"No shit, but why do they look like those superheroes I used to watch when I was in that room..." Yuuji says with a pondering look on his face.

"Hmm... Oh there's Nue. Be prepared, we're attacking the damned thing." Megumi says while watching the big bird closely.

"Geesh, there are more superheroes..." Yuuji mumbles and sees the bird put the people down.

The female was panting with a suspicious look sent towards the boys, while the other male was trembling, seemingly trying to hold in something.

"Hi, Miss. Don't be suspicious of us. You were attacked by a creature and we only came to help. Please stay here and we'll be back in a few." Yuuji tells Natasha, which deed didn't lessen her suspicion, but she nods anyway.

『Unnamed』 ◆ Avengers x JJK x reader ◆Where stories live. Discover now