‹5› Sushi for breakfast?

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Harumi's POV


"Harumi-chan..." It was the voice of someone I knew... It's familiar, the voice of a female.

"Harumi-chan! Wake up!" I snap my eyes open to see that I was laying on my bed, in my room, with Shoko-san sitting on a stool on the side of my bed.

"Shonee-san?" (I told you they're sworn sisters-) I mutter while trying to sit up.

"Are you ok?" She asks with a worried look on her face, seeing that I winced a bit.

"I think I'm good, just a little headache is all." I smile to reassure her, and she smiles back at me.

"You recovered quick. That curse's venom could kill a grown man almost immediately, but I'm glad you made it back, Harunee-chan." Shonee-san says with a close-eyed smile, so bright it warms my heart.

I lean my head back against the wall once I sat up, just to ease or at least ignore the pulsing migraine.

"Ah, about that little migraine, I think it should be over once you've done eating breakfast and swallowed these drugs," Shoko-san says after slapping her forehead lightly in a forgetful manner.

I laugh, "Oh? So I think I should head out of bed now."

"Absolutely. Satoru and the others are waiting for you outside." She chuckles as I swing my legs out of the bedsheets.

"Let's go, Shonee-san," I try steadying myself, "I figured out you'd need to go back to your room, or join us!"

"Alright, let's go you little ball of sunshine." She laughs as I drag her out of my room, giggling in the process.


3rd person POV

"Ah! Here you are my favorite student!" Gojo jumps up and down like a little schoolgirl upon seeing the white-haired girl's sight, "And I see you dragged Shoko out once again huh?"

The girl giggles as she hugs the older female with a bright grin, "Of course! She deserves a group breakfast for taking care of me while I was injured!"

"So that means, we deserve a group breakfast as well!" Yuuji cheers with a smile.

"We were so worried about you last night after Shoko-san informed us that the venom was lethal..." Nobara launches herself at the girl and envelopes her in a hug, "that Fushiguro and Itadori almost didn't sleep last night..."

"Nor did you, don't just only say that about us." The black-haired boy, with a bothered look, says while hiding his face.

"Yeah whatever... Only Gojo-sensei was able to sleep last night. I mean, he slept soundly, with a smile on his face." The orange-haired girl accuses her teacher, making Harumi laugh.

"Oh, I can see our guests here, they're going with us?" Harumi spots the four people they just saved the night before, standing quite a distance away, watching them interact while discussing something.

"Ah, yes. We insisted since it's partly Yuuji-kun's idea, plus, I wanted to get to know them more."Gojo says with a grin, and twinkling eyes under his eyeglasses.

"Good morning!" The white-haired teen sprints towards the four with a bright grin, and a morning greet, which earns little waves and small smiles from the heroes.

"Rumi-chan! Don't be like that!" Yuuji calls out for his friend in a minor panic as he saw her approaching the people with an exciting aura.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2021 ⏰

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