2- Uncovered secrets and lies

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Now suddenly you're asking for it back
Could you tell me, where'd you get the nerve?
Yeah, you could say you miss all that we had
But I don't really care how bad it hurts
When you broke me first
You broke me first


Valentino's POV:

On that USB , there was only one video. With trembling hands , I clicked on it and it started to play.
What I saw playing in front of me was something I could never be prepared for . Every word that came out of their mouths felt like daggers peircing through my heart. It felt like someone was tearing me apart, ripping all the skin from off my bones.

They were both in the living room , talking while Alisson was sitting on Aaron's lap and he was playing with a strand of her fake blond hair, he looked all serious when she looked a little bit distracted:

"Okay , we went over this plan for a million times , so I assume that you know perfectly well what do you have to do by now"

"Yeah yeah, all I've gotta do is look pretty these upcoming days and play the role of the loving and devoted wife, while you'd be here waiting for the day we would be back from that stupid honeymoon " she said in a bored tone before continuing, "but what about his car, who's the one that's going to sabotage it?"

"Me", he said in a "DUH" tone, "I don't trust no one with this task and I prefer to be the one doing it , instead of having someone else messing it all up "

She leaned in , wrapping her hands around his neck "I can't wait to get rid of this piece of shit , so I can finally be with you, living the life that we always dreamed of ! Once I'll be his wife ,I'll inherit everything he belongs after his oh so tragic death, it'll only be a matter of days until everything will go according to our plans ! We will finally be rich! Everything is finally falling into place! Fucking finally!"then she let out a loud laugh before saying " you know , I always knew that Valentino was such a a blind fool in love but I never thought that such a smart business man like him would be so stupid to never see the red flags ; he walked in on us so many times during those two years yet he would always believe the bullshit we used to feed him, such a pathetic excuse of a man, I still wonder what I saw in him in the first place , I can't wait to go back to the way we were during those five years when he was out of the picture and in the UK being the nerd that he is "

At this point I couldn't watch anymore ,I was seething , I was seeing red, I wasn't thinking anymore. I stormed out of my office and went straight out of the building to find my motorcycle and in no time, I was riding it ,on the way to the mansion where I was sure to find both doing God knows what. I was flying on the road not paying attention to where I was heading until it was too late. I didn't realise that I was driving through a red light at an intersection until I felt the inpact of a car hitting me and throwing me off of my bike and leaving me laying unconscious a few meters ahead on the hard ground.


A week after the accident ( after he woke up from his induced coma):

Slowly, my eyes started fluttering open , I could hear faint noises accompanied with the beeping of machines. It all felt too familiar , taking me back to that tragic day 11 years ago. Then it all hit me like a splash of cold water to the face and I remembered all the events that led me here...

I was pulled out of my trance by a squeaky voice and a tug on my hand . When I looked up to see the person in front of me , I instantly felt sick to the core and pulled my hand out of hers like if her touch could burn me.
She looked at me , taken aback from my action and said " Babe it's me, do you not recognise me?!"
I nodded towards the water glass unable to utter a word because of my dry throat. She rushed around and grabbed it and tried to help me drink it but I instantly took it out of her hand . She looked at me in disbelief but she didn't know what was yet to come.
Now that I was able to speak , I spat at her: "Don't you dare lay your filthy hands on me , Alisson !"

She was taken aback by my outburst but she tried to hide it . She started opening and closing her mouth but before she could utter a single word I raised my hand up and said "Don't, just don't. I don't wanna hear a single word come out of your mouth.
I've had enough of your lies ! You can drop the act ! I know everything!"

"W-what are you talking about?"

"Oh patience my love" I spat out in a harsh and mocking tone , "You thought that you'll never get caught, you thought that you was so smart you and your lover boy? Did you really think that you'll be able to execute your twisted plans ? Well let me tell you something , as much as you're good at acting and lying , a day will come and all the lies will be uncovered , and the end of it all will always be bitter"

She looked like she has seen a ghost , and she tried to come up with more of her lies but I had enough."GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS ROOM, AND OUT OF MY LIFE AND DON'T YOU DARE LOOK BACK , AND IF YOU DARE CROSSS MY PATH AGAIN , I'LL FUCKING DESTROY YOU , YOU AND THAT LOVER BOY OF YOURS THAT I USED TO CALL MY BROTHER !!!!"

She flinched at my words but before she could do or say anything , she was ushered out of the room by the doctor and nurses that came in and rushed to my side trying to calm me down and check up on my state.

After they ran a few tests the doctor came up to me and started explaining to me my condition.


I tried to move my legs but there was something wrong , I started yelling : "I-I CAN'T FEEL MY LEGS!!! IT MUST BE BECAUSE OF THE PAINKILLERS!!! IT HAS TO BE! N-NO THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING TO ME "

I made another attempt to stand back on my feet but in vain, I instantly dropped to the floor with all my hope shattering aroud me.

The doctor helped me up to my bed , and looked at me with sympathy trying to comfort me and told me "Mr. Knight, keep your calm , you should be hopeful and thankful that you're still alive and that there's a big chance at recovery. Your legs are only temporary paralysed, with the right help you could be back on your feet. You should feel lucky because it could have been much worse"

No words came out of my mouth, I was in a state of shock, I was overwhelmed , I felt numb...
The betrayal of two of the closest people to my heart didn't seem to suffice, my heart that I thought was healed , was shattered to tiny pieces by the same woman I thought was the one who healed it, but to top it all , I had to be suffering physically too like if the emotional pain wasn't enough.

Weeks went by , and now's the day I was discharged from the hospital. My assistant Lucas , came to take me to the airport.

After everything that happened, I realised that I needed a fresh start , I had nothing left in here amymore but painful memories that shadowed the happy ones. The only family I had was my grandpa but he died a year ago , and the only reason I was still here was Alisson. Now that everything has changed, I figured that this was the best solution for me because, I wasn't going to dwell on what happened, I was going to move on.

I may be left with a broken heart that was now beyond repair, I may be back to being an empty shell, I may feel numb and empty like never before, but all these events were meant to change me and teach me memorable lessons even if it had to be the hard way.

So, after making sure that my state allowed me to travel , I decided to move back to the UK and start a new chapter of my life.

Hope you have enjoyed the second chapter of beautiful mess.

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