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Outside Tywin's Chamber

Tywin: "You speak of honour? You? the man who murdered the king? "

His raging baritone could be heard from outside the door.
Outside the door where I stood, surrounded by the hound, Sir Illian Payne and two more of the kings guards. My fresh sown gown torn from being dragged from the dungeon, where I went to visit my poor father, all the way to the tower of the hand of the king.

Jaime: "The Mad king. Right I forget I should've obeyed his orders and brought him your head instead.. "

Tywin: "I have always looked at my enemy in the eye before I put a knife in his heart."

Jaime: "you know you can reach the heart even through the back?! "

And there it was the unmistakable voice of Jaime Lannister. I shuddered at the conversation that I had to passively witness. I tried to distract myself and accidentally made eye contact with the Hound. I noticed how one side of his face was completely melted. I recalled hearing a story once of how it happened but couldn't quite place it together. I suddenly caught his eyes again and immediately looked away.

Hound: "Something the matter girl? "

He asked with his voice sounding almost like a low growl. I flinched a little bit getting caught Offguard by his voice. I intently looked at the ground knowing very well his eyes were glued to me.

Hound: "you're afraid of me or your own fate Lady Layna? "

I finally mustered the courage to look up at him. I searched his eyes for an emotion with the lack of I mustered the courage to speak.

Layna: "I am not a Lady"

Hound: "that's why you were brought here.. To become one. "

Layna: "A prisoner is not a Lady. "

Hound: "Well a prisoner with your pretty little face always ends up being.. Someone's Lady. "

I breathed in every last word that came pouring out of his mouth. Something told me the Hound was wiser than he appeared. The silence filled the halls again so the father son banter from inside could be heard again.

Tywin: "and you will break that oath to give me an heir"

Jaime: I have broken many vows all to protect my family but I won't break another one... to start my own."

Tywin: "is it because you already have? haven't you? King Jeoffery your bastard boy"

My eyes widened at that information. It was too much. This is what it had all come down to. I had to not only marry the kingslayer.. But now he's also Jeofferys father. The boy who sent my father to the dungeon. Away from his family. King! Seven Hell's will not have a place for such a King. I could feel my body tremble as I continued to hear the difficult conversation.
All I wanted to do was escape to the stables, steal a horse and ride as far North as I could but all I could do now was to hear my fate unfold.

Tywin: "Such a beauty should not go to waste... Moreover the girl has value she's the only thing at the moment that can defend us from the North if they were to start a rebellion. Given the situation the King has put us in.. It is only a matter of time before they start marching towards our walls to avenge their king. "

Jaime: "Did you say Tyrion doesn't deserve a beautiful wife after all that he did? "

Tywin: "All he deserves he got and more. A roof over his head and whores to make him feel like more of a man. Besides you're my eldest son, the rightful heir and you will do as I say if you don't want the King to know that he isn't one. "

There it was again my beauty. The curse that I've been born with. To think that these people don't even know if I'm beautiful or not. Have they ever even stopped to look? Or is it just my birth name stark and the myth 'snowflake' What is wrong with this family? They fuck each other and have children make them kings and then marry them. Off to prisoners wrongfully captured under their hospitality.

Tywin: "Bring her in.. "

He shout's the moment he does the hound grabs me by the shoulder and pushes me inside. I finally see their faces. Tywin and Jaime standing opposite each other. Tywin has a goblet of wine in his hand. Jaimy stands there with his guard down looking extremely distressed. The moment he turns his face away from me disinterested.

I cling onto the hem of my dress and look around at the room. I notice a few objects that catch my eye.
Tywin breaks the silence.

Tywin: "Well this is Lady Layna Stark. The heir to winterfell. I suppose you've met my Son? "

I nodded trying to not make eye contact with him.

Tywin: "Speak up child.. You're going to be a Lannister. You know what our moto is? "

Layna: "A Lannister always pays its debts "

I mustered out. I caught a glimpse of Jaime trying to hold back a smile even though his brows was still contorted to a frown.

Tywin: "No that's a common saying and very true but not our moto. It is Hear me Roar"

I looked into his eyes. Finally saw how much hatred he gathered over the years. Hear me Roar. Those are big words for such a petty empire.

Tywin: "you're to marry Jaime as soon as possible and give me an heir. If you act faithfully you shall be rewarded by amnesty for you and your family. Do you understand?. "

I nodded.

Tywin: Speak Layna the God's didn't give you that face so you stay mum. to being mute would be mocking them.

Layna: "Yes my Lord. "

Tywin: Very well. Escort the lady to her chambers.

The hound grabs my shoulder again and drags me outside with him. I get to catch a glimpse of Tywin and Jaime before I left. Jaime seemed to have noticed what went down and didn't want any part in this still didn't say a word to object and Tywin went back to drinking his wine.

And then it began the preperation
to the wedding.

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