The Imp

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Grand Maester's Tower

There I sat at Grand Maester's tower chambers waiting for what he had promised me. I have been avoiding the queen since morning. I did as she asked me to. I proudly now wear the necklace that she got me. I realised after all it did make sense, even though she didn't mean for it to. She just meant to hurt me. I was his whore it was better to admit than his wife.

Maester Pycelle: "here it is... Milk... Of... The... Poppy.. "

He spoke slowly in his rumbling voice. He was an old man but something about him didn't seem right.

Layna: "thank you grand maester. Appreciate your help. "

Maester Pycelle: "oh it's no problem at all my Lady.. Perhaps the sins of your father caught up with you.

He says walking slower than ever towards his chair. I continued to look at the little glass vile in my hand.

Layna: "Perhaps you're right. "

Maester Pycelle: "not to worry my lady that vile should do the job.. Uhh.. Curious thing that pendant of yours. "

Layna: "I didn't think you'd recognise it.. "

Maester Pycelle: " I've lived a long time to recognise it"

I wryly smile at him. He gave out more than he intended to.

Layna: "it is a curious little thing isn't it? Thought it would be fitting. Once again Maester thank you for this.. "

I raise up the vile. He takes out some grunting sounds and waves me off. I take little look around before I exit. As I exited his chambers I looked around to see if anyone was there. Not sighting a shadow I slip the while inside my dress and walk away from the tower.

High Garden

I strolled through the garden watching all the children run around from here to there. The garden is a beautiful sight covered by tress and fresh grass. A sight I'm not used to being from the North. I stood beside the fountain listening to the birds. No one was here to make sure I don't run away. Maybe this was the best time. If I could somehow find a way to reach the mud gates.. It would however not be a risk worth taking especially for my still in the dungeon. Was consummation of my marriage to Jaime the only thing that would secure our position. It was hard to know.

Tyrion: "Wonderful day to be at the Garden Lady Layna. "

I turned around a bit startled. His recognizable voice floated through the garden.

Layna: "The chamber does tend to get stifling... "

He nodded.

Tyrion: "Wine? "

He offered me a flask covered in leather. I shook my head to a 'no' and ge pulled it back before taking a long dry sip from it.

Tyrion: "I heard about your father and Id like to give you my condolences... "

Layna:" he's not dead... "

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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