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Travis stood in the corner of the kitchen at Amber and Brandon's house. He held a solo cup of some drink that Larry handed to him as soon as he and Sal walked inside, which Travis took one sip of and almost died right there on the spot. It tasted like a sugar crash waiting to happen, combined with the odd undertones of what was probably cheap alcohol.

Travis had been drinking the cup pretty quickly, while Sal watched cautiously, worryingly. Travis knew why, and yet, he didn't stop or slow his drinking. He knew he wouldn't be like Sal's dad while he was drunk.

Sal, on the other hand, had a cup of soda in his hand. He had been drinking it through a straw, shoving it in the mouth slit of his prosthetic.

The two boys were just watching other teenagers mingle. Or at least, Travis was. Sal seemed to be zoned out at the moment.

They'd only been at the party for half an hour and Travis has already had two drinks. He's on his third now, starting to feel the effects of it, but he didn't really mind. The worst part of the drink had really been the taste, the effects it gave Travis were actually kind of nice. Calming. He was starting to understand why Henry drank so much, why Larry did, too.

Larry came stumbling over, of course already drunk and high, most likely on several substances and not just his usual weed.

"How're you guy-guys liking the partyyyy?" Oh yeah, he's definitely pretty far gone. Sal seems to notice it, too, taking a small step away from Larry. That's probably just because he reeks of weed and alcohol and... sex. Gross.

Travis screws up his face, obviously disgusted with Larry. The brunette just laughs, almost falling flat on his face when he trips over his own foot in the process of laughing. Sal shakily sighs, looking around at all the drunk teenagers around and trying his best to subtly hold Travis' empty hand.

Larry catches a glimpse of Travis' almost empty cup, grabbing it straight from Travis' hand. "I'll g-go get mo-more for you." Larry's walking off before Travis can oppose, leaving the blonde to drop his empty hand and shove it in his pocket.

"You should really pace yourself, at the very least, if you're gonna be drinking that much... or just drink something other than alcohol." Sal murmurs, offering his soda to Travis. The blonde almost takes it, until Larry's coming back and thrusting another of the drinks at Travis, the cup filled almost to the brim.

Travis silently takes it, shooting Larry an awkward smile and taking a large sip of it, just to get the liquid away from the top so it won't overflow. Sal watches silently, his eyes empty and numb, but his body language giving away how upset he is about Travis drinking.

Of course, Sal isn't going to hold Travis back from having a good time at a party. But, considering Travis' past of anger issues, getting drunk could unleash those successfully harnessed demons.

Before Travis or Sal knew it, Travis was just as far gone as Larry and every other teen at the party was. He was slurring all his words and stumbling over his feet and trying to do dumb shit. Sal was trying to control him, but he was afraid. What if Travis hit him?

Travis went to the kitchen for another drink. Sal followed him, immediately pulling the drink from Travis' hand as soon as the cup was filled and placing it on the counter. Travis got another. Took a sip. Sal stole this cup as well, setting it next to the previously discarded one.

"You're done for the night, Travis. No more." Sal states, grabbing Travis' arm and attempting to pull him away from the kitchen. Travis glared at Sal, starting to get angry. Travis is done being told what to do. He won't let Sal control him. If Travis wants to drink, he will drink.

Travis' next moves were a blur, to himself, at least. He pulled his arm from Sal's grip, and he pushed him. Travis pushed Sal into the counter, so hard the counter dug into Sal's back and the cups Sal had previously set there went into motion, falling over and dousing him in alcohol.

Sal hardly even looked at Travis as he pushed himself off the counter, took a deep breath, and walked away. Despite Sal not looking at Travis, the taller boy could still see tears glimmering in Sal's eyes. But Sal was gone before Travis could process it, disappearing outside.

Travis tried to follow as steadily as he could, almost tripping once, but by the time he was outside, Sal was long gone. And so was Ash's car, the vehicle that the teens had all taken together, since only Ash, Larry, Sal, and Travis were going to the party.

Someone was behind him. Travis turned around, trying to blink tears out of his eyes, of which he could not tell if they were caused by anger, sadness, or self loathing. Amber stood silently behind him, looking up at him, due to their height difference, even in her Doc Martens.

"You need to rest, Travis." Her voice was soft, almost the motherly tone that Ash's would reach, but Amber's was slightly more stern. More demanding. Clearly caring, but also angry. Or maybe not quite angry, but frustrated.

Travis blinked slowly, swallowing thickly. "But Sal-" Amber cuts him off by harshly grabbing Travis' shoulder and starting to lead him back into her house.

"You need time to cool off. Sal needs time to forgive you. It's better that you two have some space for a day or two." Amber states to Travis, leading him to her bedroom and shutting the door.

"I'll take the floor." Amber pushes Travis onto the bed, hardly glancing at him as she strips herself of the dress she had been wearing. Travis hastily covers his eyes, listening to her laugh and most likely roll her eyes as she changes into something more comfortable to wear.

"God, you're so gay. Can't even see a girl in a bra?" Amber teases, walking over to Travis and flicking him on the forehead. He rolls his eyes, pulling his hands from his face and looking at her, now in a band shirt and sweatpants.

"Sleep." Amber states, pushing Travis to lay down on the bed before she walks away to make herself a makeshift bed on the floor. Travis listens, toeing his shoes off and properly laying on her bed. He closes his eyes, almost immediately drifting off.


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