Chapter One: Never fall in love again

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(Y/N) was in her room, crying on her rose bed. How could Roland do this to her? On their wedding day too. Who would do something like this? It broke her heart to see watch that happen. Dawn came to check on her but (Y/N) didn't want to talk about it. Not even to her sister. She closed the door and told Dawn to tell their dad the wedding was off.

'What do you get when you fall in love? A guy with a pin to burst your bubble. That's what you get for all your trouble. I'll never fall in love again,' (Y/N) went to her window, 'What do you get when you kiss a boy? You get enough germs to catch a fever then straight away he'll up and leave you. I'll never fall in love again
No, I'll never fall in love again!'

She flew out the window. And she was set on her choice. She wasn't falling in love again. And, with newfound confidence, she started training. Training to fight, use a sword and defend herself without having some man save her from danger.

'Don't tell me what it's all about,' (Y/N) sang

'All about,' the fairies training with her sang.

''Cause I've been there and I'm glad I'm out. Out of those chains, those chains that bind you. That is why I'm here to remind you.'

'Here to remind you.'

'What do you get when you give your heart? You get it all broken up and battered. Yeah, that's what you get. A heart that's shattered. I'll never fall in love again. No, I'll never fall in love again. No, I'll Never fall in love again!'

(Y/N) had become a completely different person after that wedding day. She was more like a warrior than a princess now. Although some would think she's gone too far with this. She absolutely refuses to have fun now. And she'll always hover around the Fairy Kingdom look for danger to help people out of. Trying to make an adventure for herself. But she hasn't found a proper one so far. Perhaps one day. But she has become really protective of Dawn after what Roland did. She's afraid it'll happen to her too and she doesn't want her sister going through that heartbreak.

(Y/N) still hasn't told Dawn what happened so now Dawn finds her constant hovering annoying. Like she was complaining about it to her Elf friend, Sunny. Sunny has a huge crush on Dawn but she's been friend-zoning him for ages and keeps trying to go with every guy she sees. Dawn doesn't need to be under a love potion to fall in love instantly with a guy. But not Sunny who's trying to help her bump into her crush at the Spring Ball. Sunny made it so, when she's dancing, she'll 'accidentally' bump into her crush Adrien. But that was quickly changed to a guy named Nathan.

So, Sunny had to change his plan a little while Dawn was having doubts about the guys she likes liking her back. Sunny just assured her that everything is doing to be alright and not to worry through song. But soon they had to worry. Because they were right next to a lizards den and woke it up! Dawn flew off and Sunny ran for it. Dawn called for help. Some acorns hit the lizard and it looks at the person who threw them. It was (Y/N). The lizard continued to chase Sunny. (Y/N) started riding the lizard like a wild bull getting closer to the Dark Forest.

(Y/N) saw some blueberries nearby and told Sunny to run in that direction. He did and (Y/N) flew to the blueberry bush. She pulled it back and released it when the lizard got close enough, hitting it in the eye. Sunny rolled into the Dark Forest. The lizard tried to attack (Y/N) but she made it clear to it that she was bigger and scarier than it. The lizard understood and walked off. Dawn hugged (Y/N) who scolded her for having her head in the clouds all the time so she can't see the dangers around her. But then assured her it was all Okay. They noticed a certain Elf was still missing.

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