Chapter Five: Facing Bog King

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(Y/N) had arrived at the entrance of the Dark Forest. This would be the first time she willingly goes in. But she has to go get her sister. She flew in with her sword out, ready for danger. But everything was so strange to her. Snapping plants, spiders, plants that open at the lightest touch, and not to mention the multiple Goblins. Well, she wanted an adventure, now she's got one. Meanwhile, somewhere in the forest, the Imp was looking for people and creatures to use the potion on.

But he had another problem, Sunny and Pare were chasing after him on dragonflies. They tried trapping him with lassos but the Imp dodged, making the lassos wrap around a twig that snapped off. Now they were connected. And this made them catch on a plant, wrap the rope around it and them, and they were now stuck. But their situation got worse, the lizard was back. The lizard roared at Sunny but then, the Imp used the potion and now the Lizard liked him. The Imp then left.

Back at Bog's castle, he was grinding his teeth at Dawn's non-stop singing. Griselda came in agreeing that Dawn wasn't his type so she brought in a new girl for him. He didn't want to deal with this right now. He doesn't even want love! Finally, the Goblins brought in Plum.

"Griselda," Plum greeted

"Plum," Griselda said.

"It's so amusing how you keep trying."

"You're one to talk, with your magic recipe for failure!"

"Well, the recipe's working now! Isn't it?" Bog asked covering his ears at Dawn's singing

"Oh, it works," Plum said smiling

"I need the antidote!"

"Oh, it works? Pah! Then explain what happened to this one," Griselda said pointing to Bog.

Bog growled at his mother, "You have your father's smile!"

Dawn started singing a new song. Everyone covered their ears because she got louder!

"Give me the antidote!" Bog begged at this point.

"And what will you do if I refuse? Lock me away?" Plum asked before singing Dawn's song too.

This was torture for them all at this point. Ever since Bog banned love, any love song is awful to listen to for everyone. Bog told everyone to be quiet but they wouldn't stop groaning! He was going to deal with this himself. He went to Dawn who just finished singing. She tried to reach out to him through the thorn bars but he backed off. He threatened to rip her wings off if she didn't shut up! But she saw it as flirting and gave him a boutonniere.

Just made of green and yellow leaves and a small white flower. She made it for him. You could tell he was flustered by the situation from all his stuttering. He didn't want to accept this because he knew the potion was making her do this. But he did give in saying it was lovely after struggling on the word. He just finds it hard to say anything that involves the word love. But that made her start singing again. He tried to explain that what she was feeling was the potion but she wouldn't listen. He told her to stop so she went quiet.

After a bit of convincing, he got Dawn to sleep. But she first asked his name. When he gave it to her, she made some nicknames for him which he would correct to his real name. She then fell asleep and he closed the doors. A Goblin then told him about what the Imp had been doing. Using the potion on fairies and other creatures. He told the Goblin to bring the ones that had been affected by the Imps work into the dungeons. And there was a lot. Sunny and Pare were still chasing him. With help from the lizard, they caught him and got him to hand over the potion.

All three rode away on the lizard to find Roland. Roland and his army were slowly making their way to the castle. But Sunny found them and showed them the potion. They needed it to get Dawn back and there it is. Roland was still making the appearance that Sunny was the one who needed to potion to make Dawn fall in love with him. Sunny almost exposed that Roland needed it but he got interrupted. So, Sunny admitted it because Roland clearly wouldn't help the little Elf out. Roland took the potion and continued to the castle. (Y/N) was still making her way to the castle when she heard a mushroom yell.

The Goblins were still rounding everyone up who was under the influence of the potion. She decided to follow them. They led her straight to the castle. Inside, Bog and a few other Goblins were struggling to stay awake. And Bog was growing impatient. Eventually, he told them to get some sleep and leave him alone. Thang complimented his boutonniere which he then just threw to the ground. Bog wanted this to be over. He then saw something wrong. The moonlight was flickering. He looked up at the window and saw something approaching. He then realised it was a Fairy and grabbed his staff. (Y/N) burst through the window and attacked but Bog blocked it.

"Release my sister," (Y/N) sneered

"Oh, no! Not another princess! Well, at least you're not singing!" Bog said backing away.

'I'm coming straight on for you!' (Y/N) sang as the two started to fight, 'I've made up my mind. Taking a little break? I'm feeling strong now Now I'm coming through!'

"Need any help, sire?" Thang asked

"No," Bog said attacking.

The two continued to fight. They flew up and fought more. They hung onto the chandelier and (Y/N) continued to sing.

'I'm coming straight on for you! Yeah! Straight on for you!'

"Impressive!" Bog said actually impressed.

'I'm coming straight on for you,' (Y/N) cut the Chandelier, making it fall.

The Chandelier crashed onto the floor and made the walls crumble and crack. It woke up Dawn. A Goblin quickly put hef back to sleep which worked. The two upstairs continued to fight. At that point, Bog didn't even want to kill her. He wanted to see what else the princess had up her sleeve.

(Y/N) blew some hair out of her face, "Had enough?"

Bog did the same, not that he had any hair, "I could do this all day. But now, give me the potion!"

"The almighty Bog King needs a magic love potion," (Y/N) mocked.

"I don't need it! I want to eradicate it!"

"Well, eradicate this!"

(Y/N) took a part of the wall out and threw it at him. He dodged it. They fought more now they were on the ground. Thang asked again if he needed help but he didn't. Bog was also at the point in the fight where he was subconsciously flirting with her. She was a great opponent, he couldn't deny that.

"So, is that all you got?" (Y/N) teased.

'Now I know How to play my hand!' Bog sang

"Well, I'm ready for you!"

'What the winner don't know, the gambler understands!'

"What does that even mean? No! You don't stand a chance!' (Y/N) charged at him.

'You don't stand a chance!' Bog charged at her.

They met and fought, 'I'm coming straight on for you!'

"You fight well, for a fairy."

"Wish I could say the same for you!"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know. I was expecting... more."

That somehow offended him, 'straight on for you!'

'Straight on for you!'

'Straight on for you!'

'Straight on for you!' They both got tired.

They landed on the ground and caught their breaths. (Y/N) pointed her sword at his heart.

"Go ahead. Kill me," Bog panted, "but you won't get your sister."

Realising killing him will do nothing, she yielded. Thang asked if they needed help again but they both said no. Dawn started singing again. Stuff and Thang covered their ears.

Bog gasped, "The beast has awoken."

"Oh, no. What did she fall in love with?" (Y/N) asked

"Would you care to see?"

Bog put his staff down and led her to the dungeons.

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