Chapter Eight: The fight against Roland

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Roland and his three men were escorted into the throne room. But, before he did anything else, he told his men to execute his plan on his code word: go. They nodded and flew off. He arrived at the throne room where he proceeded to sit in it yet still managed to insult it. Bog came flying through the broken window ready to attack when Roland showed him the potion. But he wouldn't give it to him. He wanted Dawn and (Y/N) first. Bog told his Goblins to go get Dawn since (Y/N) wasn't there. When (Y/N) did arrive, Bog had her restrained.

"He brought you the potion!" (Y/N) said struggling against the Goblins.

"Yes. And an army!" Bog sneered


"You got me to leave my castle. Clever girl."

"But wasn't that your idea?"

"It was your idea! And foolishly, I trusted you."

"Wait a minute. Are you... Are you actually having a lovers' tiff right now?" Roland asked wanting to throw up, "That is so disgusting. It's interesting but disgust..."

"Roland, you are such a...!"

"Hero," Roland interrupted, "to rescue you from... What did you call him? A scaly-backed cockroach."

Roland made cockroach-like noises

That's when Bog realised, "Is that the guy?"

(Y/N) only looked away. Outside, Sunny was growing impatient so he left and went to the dungeons. When he arrived, he called out to Dawn but she was gone already. But Plum complained to him about not listening to her! He just wanted to know where Dawn was. Plum promised to show him if he let everyone out. Well, he partly caused all this, may as well try to fix it. Dawn was brought upstairs to everyone. When Dawn saw Bog, she embraced him and called him by that nickname again. Roland, of course, complained about what the Love Potion could make someone do.

(Y/N) tried to explain to Bog that she didn't mean for any of this to happen. When she did, Bog realised what he had done. He jumped to conclusions. (Y/N) had nothing to do with this and he assumed she did. He softened up when he realized this. He feels like such a fool! His thoughts were interrupted by Roland who said that he'd be taking both princesses. That wasn't the deal. Roland knew this. So he opened the potion to use it on (Y/N). Bog noticed and jumped in front of her.

He didn't know if it would work on her or not but he wasn't taking any chances! Whether she played him or not, he still loved her and would protect her. Roland flew out of the way. Roland took out his sword and attacked Bog who flew up and did the same. After seeing what Roland's plan was, the deal was now off! The two guys fought each other, breaking the still unstable castle after the first fight with (Y/N). Dawn got in the way of the fight. Of course, Roland had to annoy both (Y/N) and Bog by asking how she could possibly fall in love with a beast like him.

(Y/N) escaped and started to fight Roland too. Bog tried to leave her out of it but she wouldn't have it. Roland took Dawn hostage to 'make things fair' since it's now two against one. (Y/N) and Bog charged at him, putting two blades on either side of Roland's neck. Bog told him to let Dawn go. Roland took this opportunity to yell out his code word. Now, the castle was really falling down. The three guards were using the cages that hung in the air to break the castle down.

All the prisoners were out but they still had to get back up to the surface. Roland let Dawn go but took (Y/N) and flew out the top. Dawn held onto Bog as he searched for (Y/N) and his mother. Griselda was under some debris. But Plum saved her and took her to safety. Now everyone except Bog, Dawn, Roland and (Y/N) were out, safe. (Y/N) tried escaping Roland's grasp but he held on, telling her that she will marry him. And he still plans to use the potion to make that happen.

(Y/N) took his sword and pointed it at him. As the castle fell apart, a piece fell from above them which (Y/N) used to push Roland away for good. Dropping his sword, she goes to look for Bog and Dawn who were still looking for her. Bog called out but there was no response. Dawn then just told him they had to go. Bog gave in and left the castle. Outside, (Y/N) was waiting for them. But the castle was ready to fall for good. Bog told her to get back. She stayed where she was.

Bog threw Dawn to her as the skull entrance almost fell on them. But Bog held it up long enough for the sisters to escape. They flew out then the skull snapped shut. And the castle fell into ruins taking Bog with it. Nothing left but smoke and ruins. Bog may have been a bad guy when this story began, but he died a hero. A good end. Sunny found Dawn crying over Bog's death. They hugged. Sunny sang to her, assuring her that everything was going to be alright. And, just like that, the potion was lifted. She loved Sunny. And the one thing more powerful than the potion was true love.

And they loved each other as much as Dawn was blind to it at first. She confessed to him. And he was shocked to hear that Dawn loved him. At least one person would get a happy ending. Dawn went over to (Y/N) who was still crying. But, she was happy to have her sister back. But then something was seen in the dust. It was Bog! He was alive! Injured, yes, but alive! The King then arrived seeing the commotion and an injured Bog. He stopped his men from attacking. Griselda hugged her son and brought him over to (Y/N) while accidentally hurting his arm enough to put it back in place. But their ordeal wasn't over yet! Roland jumped in front of (Y/N) and poured the potion on her!

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