Chapter Six: Bog's past

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The two went downstairs. In cages, creatures sing love songs in their cages. They've all been separated from their new lovers being so dramatic about it. (Y/N) cringed at the sight. Not because it was awful to see all these people locked up, because there was so much love in one place. And she hates it as much as Bog does. Stuff told Thang to tell everyone to shut up. But that only made the noise worse.

(Y/N) covered her ears. Bog glanced at (Y/N) seeing how uncomfortable she was and yelled at everyone to be quiet. It worked. Bog then opened the door to Dawn's cell. She was still singing. (Y/N) was shocked at the sight. Bog closed the door. But (Y/N) opened it again just to see who she was looking at. She was looking at Bog. (Y/N) closed the door and looked at him.

"You?" She asked

"Yes," Bog said awkwardly


"Working on it."

"I know she's a girl who falls in love with every guy she sees, but this is ridiculous!"

"I..." Bog started stuttering.

(Y/N) pulled out her sword and pointed it at him. Without looking away, she opened the door and let Dawn out who clung onto her sister.

"Sire! I forgot to mention, you forgot your weapon upstairs. But I found your boutonniere!" Thang said holding it up.

"You know, I really enjoyed our fight, but I'll be taking my sister home now," (Y/N) said.

Dawn gasped and pushed (Y/N) off her, "Oh, no, you're not!"

Dawn accidentally disarmed (Y/N) so Bog picked it up and pointed it at her. Dawn ran to him and clung onto his waist. After correcting Dawn of his name, he told Dawn to go back to her cell. She happily did.

"Don't listen to him!" (Y/N) said.

"You are not the boss of me!" Dawn said, "And don't even think about stealing my Boggy!"

"'Bog!'" He corrected

Dawn closed the door and Bog leaned on (Y/N)'s sword, "she stays here until I get the potion back."

"Forget the potion. Get the antidote, now!" (Y/N) said.

"Well, maybe you should ask her," Bog pointed to Plum's cell

"'Her'? Who?" (Y/N) walked over.

"The Sugar Plum Fairy."

"Welcome!" Plum said smiling

"Give me the antidote," Bog said.

"If you let me talk about that fateful..."


"Then, no."

"Please! I love my sister. I need that antidote," (Y/N) begged

"Okay! I'll just need a few things."

Plum listed off things she needed. Bog ordered a Goblin to get those things. (Y/N) asked if this antidote would really work when Griselda showed up. Well, who knows if it'll work. Bog hasn't used it ever. And he wants to destroy the potion. Griselda introduced herself and asked if (Y/N) had a comb for her messy hair. She didn't but she didn't understand why she was asking anyway. Griselda made up an excuse to get the two upstairs. They went up knowing the antidote might take a while.

When they did, however, they saw a room full of bannisters, hearts and balloons. Griselda had made a date for the two. The two were shocked at what Griselda had done. But they hadn't gotten the message of what she thinks of them. Griselda left as Stuff and Thang continued to sing for the two. Bog told them to stop and check on the antidote. They left and Thang put the boutonniere on the table. Bog started to ask why his mother would do all this when they both figured it out.

Griselda wanted them to be a couple! They shivered in disgust at the thought of them both being together. They started destroying the place apart and actually started getting along even after their fight earlier. They were also having fun ranting about this whole love thing they're surrounded by when they're both alone. (Y/N) took his boutonniere and crushed it when Bog told her not to. She let him take it back and put it on. Yes, it was made by Dawn but he actually liked it.

Why, he didn't know. Like with Bog, (Y/N) struggled to tell him it looked lovely. Bog smiled at her attempt though. Then Stuff and Thang came in with Plum. The antidote was ready. Or so they thought. The antidote was a riddle! Bog asked about all the stuff she asked for. She just told him that it's stuff she wanted since it was hard to shop in prison. She told them the riddle. The antidote is the one thing more powerful than the potion. What could possibly be more powerful than the potion?

Well, time to start thinking while Roland and his army get closer. A Goblin in front of them tried to sneak off and tell the mushrooms what he saw. But Roland complained about the lack of clothing on him, making him self conscious. He told the mushrooms anyway who passed it on to the castle. They still hadn't figured out the riddle yet back at the castle. Thang told Bog what the mushrooms said but, once again, they got it wrong. So, he just left. And Plum was getting bored.

"I'm bored! I'll just tell you," Plum said

"Great!" The two said smiling

"If you set me free."

"No!" (Y/N) gave Bog pleading eyes, "Okay."

Plum cheered, "Then I will reveal the antidote with a story."

"What? No!" Bog knew this story!

"One fateful day, when the Bog King was young and impetuous," Bog tried to attack Plum but (Y/N) moved her, "he fell in love with a sweet young thing."

Plum turned into the girl Bog fell for. She was a Goblin, like most of the other creatures in the Dark Forest, with a frog-like appearance. (Y/N) didn't like the look of her.

"She was the most beautiful creature I ever saw," Bog said still love-struck.

"Seriously?" (Y/N) asked

"He was so in love. But Bog, he had no patience," Plum continued

"That's enough!" Bog kept trying to stop her.

"So, he came to me for my love potion. I tried to tell him how it worked," Bog tried to attack her again but (Y/N) moved Plum away, "But he dusted the sweet, unsuspecting creature."

"Plum, I beg you."

"As she was gazing into the eyes of a lovesick Bog..." the girl screamed at him.

Bog was hurt by what happened. As the past replayed again. This is why he banned loved from the forest. Because he had his heart broken all because the Love Potion didn't work. He couldn't handle the heartbreak. So he closed it off from him and everyone. And that's why he seemed like such a bad person. Because he was hurt by the past.

"Even with a love potion... I'm too hideous to love," Bog said

"You're not hideous," (Y/N) said honestly.

"Hideous, not hideous, whatever! But that's not why the potion didn't work," Plum said.

"What?" Bog asked

"She was already in love with someone else!"

"So, the one thing more powerful than the potion is... real love?" (Y/N) asked.

"Bingo! That took forever!" Plum said.

Bog flew over and took Plum's cage from (Y/N), angry that she never told him this!

"Why didn't you tell me?" Bog asked

"You shut me away, and you shut me up! And Griselda blames me for the no-love-in-the-Dark-Forest!" Plum said.

"Teaching moment. There are no shortcuts to love," Griselda said making Bog glare at her, "Just saying."

Bog ordered Plum to be taken away. Stuff and Thang took her. Well, now they have the antidote and the reason the girl never fell in love with Bog even using the potion.

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