Post-Blip Two

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Four months after Endgame/Two months before The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

Morgan waved at the screen. "Hi, Nick. Hi, Mya."

Nicolas and Mya waved back. "Hi."

"I miss you guys."

Mya pouted. "I miss you too." She noticed her mother. "Mommy, can we visit Aunt Pepper and Morgan sometime?"

Katherine smiled and nodded. "I think that's a wonderful idea. But I guarantee Pepper and Happy are busy right now, so we may have to wait, okay?"

"Okay." She turned back to the screen.

"Are you okay after your dad's gone?" Nicolas asked.

Morgan nodded slowly. "Mommy and Happy tell me lots of stories about Daddy."

Katherine sat between her children and said, "Your dad is a hero, Morgan. He saved the world."

Morgan smiled. "Yeah he did." She put on an Iron Man helmet. "When I'm sad, I like pretending to be Daddy's hero."

"It helps keep the memory of your father alive. But no one could forget your dad."

"Everyone knew who he was."

Nicolas laughed. "Uncle Steve told me Mr. Stark told everyone he was Iron Man."

"Yeah he and Mommy told me that story too."

Bucky unlocked the apartment door, hearing voices and smiled as he entered the room.

He knelt behind his wife placing a hand on her shoulder as he said, "Hi, Morgan. How are you?"

"I'm good," Morgan said. "We're talking about Daddy."

Bucky felt a momentary flash of guilt, remembering what he had done.

Katherine glanced back, putting a hand to his cheek. "I know."

Morgan frowned. "You know what Auntie Katie?"

Katherine shook her head. "Just something Bucky did in his past, but it's nothing of your concern."

"Okay." She focused back on Nicolas and Mya. "You're my bestest friends. And Peter."

Mya smiled and nodded. "Peter's a really good friend."

"He's a good brother. So's Nick."

"Nick is a good big brother." She smiled, hugging her brother tightly and he hugged her back.

Bucky and Katherine smiled at their children.

Morgan glanced back hearing her name and said, "I havta go. But can I talk to Nick and Mya later, Auntie Katie?"

Katherine nodded. "I'm sure we can set up something later. I'll talk to your mom and/or Happy, okay?"

"Okay." She waved. "Bye, Nick. Bye, Mya. Bye, Auntie Katie. Bye, Uncle Bucky."

Bucky and Katherine waved back and said, "Bye, Morgan."

Nicolas and Mya did the same and the call ended.

Mya glanced at her mother and said, "I like talking to Morgan."

Nicolas nodded. "Me too."

Katherine smiled. "Good. Go on and do some reading you two." The kids ran off and she turned to Bucky. "How was your day?"

"It was good," Bucky replied. "Were they good for you?"

"They were. They're good kids though."

"They are."

The two watched as Nicolas read a picture book based on The Hobbit to Mya and smiled as he spoke in an animated tone.

Katherine smiled teasingly at Bucky. "He gets that excitement over things like so from you."

Bucky nodded, returning her smile. "Yes he does. But his caring of others is from you."

He pulled Katherine closer as they watched their children who were solely focused on the book.

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