The club

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As Kim and Erin walk into the club they are greeted by the undercover cop from narcotics who was in there with them. He gave them all of there instructions as he lead them into a room where they could get ready. They put there bags down before getting up on the stage and started their act.
Not before long Kim started to get noticed by one of the guys in the gang and he went over to her. Her heart started racing as he got closer.
"Hey baby how are you tonight " the guy said while touching her thigh
Kim just smiled and laughed as she did not know how to react with what was happening
" how about you follow me " the man said as he took Kim by the arm into the back room
He sat her down and started to touch her hair and the Proceeded to give her a kiss on the cheek but she quickly pulled away
" come on baby are you not down for some fun tonight " he said while placing his hand on her thigh again
But this time Kim could not do it and when he put his hand down she kicked him hard and punished him in the face. She tried to run away but her heals were to high and she ended up being caught by the man. " oh so you want to play it that way " he says while knocking her out

Meanwhile Erin is still on stage and she is starting to feel weird as Kim has been gone for a bit. She made a signal to Kev that she was leaving the stage and he followed behind her , when they went into the room that Kim and the man were in she was not there. The only thing that was left was a splodge of blood on the floor next to Kim's hair peace. Kev quickly keyed his radio and in a matter of seconds Voight and Adam were in the room.
" where is Kim , where is my wife " Adam shouted at Erin for letting her out of her sight
" I don't know , one minute she was there the next she wasn't " Erin said with tears building in her eyes
" well they can't have gone far " Voight said as he lead them out the back door
When the squad exited the back door they saw a white van speeding off round the corner.

Note - I hope that you guys liked this one it wasn't my best but I've got a good idea for what happens next

Madilyn x

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