2 boys and a girl

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Adams POV-
When I got into Kim's room I noticed that there were 3 small cribs in the corner of her bed. Soon enough the doctors started to bring my kids through shortly followed by Kim. The first one that came through was a boy he had Kim's beautiful brown eyes and my wavy brown hair , he was fast asleep in his crib when he was brought through. The second one was also a boy but when he came through he was awake he looked like me which made a tear come to my eye. I got to hold him and I watched as he slowly fell asleep in my arms. Then the nurse came though with Kim and when I saw her I felt so sick her face was all bruised and I saw that she had a tube down her throat. The doctor put a hand on my shoulder while telling me that's she's going to be ok. When she was about to leave I remembered that Kim had 3 baby's but only 2 were here
A- excuse me do you know where my 3rd baby is
D- yeah your little girl is in the ICU she's the smallest and her lungs are not developed yet would you like to go and see her
A- yeah I would thanks
He followed her down the corridor untill they went into a room of little baby's all attached to wires. It made me feel weak when I saw my little girl she really was a lot smaller than the boys but she really did look like Kim already

Erin's POV -
When I found out what happend to Kim I was so sad she's my best friend and I knew that she was far along. They haven't let anyone see her but I heard from nat and Adam that she does not look good. Things have not been going to well for me and jay lately and Kim's been the only one that I can talk to and she's always been there for me. When I arrived at the hospital later that day I saw platt sitting in the waiting room. I went up and sat beside her and I noticed that she had been crying. WHAT THE SCARIEST WOMAN ALOVE HAD BEEN CRYING I thought to myself as she gave me a small smile.
E- hey have you heard on how she's doing
T- yeah she's in her room and they say she will be ok but we're still not allowed to see her
E- that's good do you know if she had her baby's
T- yeah there all healthy she had 2 boys and a girl
E- god I feel bad for her now she's got 3 Adams.

Note - ooo what's happening with linsted . I have no clue for baby names please send me I'm any you like hope you enjoyed

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