Ive not been feeling good

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2 months later

Adams POV -
Things between me and Kim have not been the best at the moment. She's been getting mad at me for little things and has been having really bad mood swings. Some nights she does not even come home and she will sleep on Erin and jays couch which makes me really sad. When we're at work she doesn't even talk to me that much.

Kim's POV -
I've not been feeling myself the last month. I've been gaining a bit of weight which makes me feel shit, I'm also having really bad mood swings and I know that I'm hurting Adam which makes me sad. I've been staying at Erin's the last few nights and I think that she is starting to worry about me.

Erins POV -
Things have been weird recently between Kim and Adam not just at work but at home to. She's been staying at mine and jays the last few nights. When her and Adam are at work together they Barley talk and I can see that her and Adam are both miserable. Last night was weird I was awoken by Kim being sick at 3 in the morning. I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom to help her by holding her hair back and rubbing her back.
E- darling what's wrong
K- I feel Awful Erin I've felt sick all week
E- I know honey would you like me to call Adam
K- ( starts being sick again )
Erin goes to her phone and clicks Adams name
A- hey Erin what's up
E- hey em I think somethings wrong with Kim she's being sick and said that she's not been ok for ages
A- ok I'll be round in 5 please tell her that I love her
E- I will don't worry
5 mins later Adam knocks on the door

Adams POV-
I went straight to the bathroom where I saw Kim slumped over the toilet and quickly ran to her side and pulled her head up. She looked rubbish, worse than me. She was pale, her hair was all messed up and she just didn't look like herself. I picked her up and by the time that I got to the car I could see she was out cold in my arms. I have her a kiss on the cheek before laying her down in the back seat.

Kim's POV -
I heard Adam come into the bathroom and I honestly felt so relieved. I had missed him so much and I was so happy to be back in his arms. Hey always made me feel better when I felt sad or not well and I was always able to fall asleep while listening to his heartbeat. After being in his arms for a few seconds I felt
Everything  go black and I felt Adams warm lips give me a kiss goodnight.

Sorry it's not the longest chapter as I said I've been busy hope your enjoy reading

Madilyn x

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