I want to be a mum

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2 months later

Kim is back home and she is back to full health. She is sound asleep in bed when she is woken by the alarm. She smacks the alarm trying to get it to stop before she wakes Adam up. He is laying next to her with his hand on her thigh, the noise of the alarm makes Adam wake and as soon as his eyes open Kim pulls herself on top of him and they start making out. After they had some fun Adam looked into her sparkling brown eyes and moved her hair out of her face just like she always does to him. They both gave out a laugh before Kim got up and walked into the bathroom to have a shower. Adam stayed in bed checking his          phone .When Kim  Finished her shower she started to get ready for work by drying her hair and putting on her clothes for work. When she walked into the kitchen Adam was already waking them breakfast and was just putting it on the table. After eating their food they both got in the car and headed to 21

" morning sgt " Kim said while walking past her
" hold up Kim back here " Trudy said while waving her back
Kim so bye to Adam and told him that she would meet him upstairs and went to go and see what Trudy wanted to tell her
" so I know it's your first shift back and wanted to know if you were taking it easy today and if so I have a space in patrol where you can ride for a few days " Trudy said while smiling
" thanks for the offer but I'm ok I'm atchaly quite exited to get back in with it all and anyway Adam and Erin are there with me so I'm sure I'll be ok " Kim said while walking upstairs
" here she is " Erin said to Kim while walking to give her a hug
The rest of the day went pretty slow having caught no cases so was mostly paperwork. But Adam didn't mind as that ment he got to see Kim all day and know that she wasn't going to get hurt.
" good work today everyone your all free to go home " voight said while everyone started packing up
Kim and Erin made their way to the locker room talking and laughing together.
" hey as we Finished early would you guys like to go to molly's  tonight , I know that some of 51 and med are gonna be there " jay said
" sure we would love to go " Kim said on behalf of her and Adam

We walked into Molly's  hand in hand and are soon greeted by Herman shouting something from the bar but then coming out and giving Kim a kiss on the cheek.
" watch it man that's my girl " Adam said while he and Herman laughed
Kim walked over to go and sit at a table with Natalie , gabby , Sylvie , Stella and Erin
" hey guys " Kim said while sitting down
" hey how have you been " Natalie said while looking at Kim's scar on her head
" I'm fine now today was my first day back to work and I'm feeling great " Kim said smiling
Adam was sitting with Kelly, Matt , will , jay and Christopher when Kelly started to ask Adam about him and Kim
" so you have been married for 3 years and still no kids what's up with you ruzek " Kelly said while laughing 
" I really want to be a dad and I know that Kim would be a amazing mum but I don't know if she wants kids i mean we have never talked about it " Adam said while looking over at her
" take my advise ruz don't have kids " Herman said laughing
" Herman he is not going to have 6 kids " jay said making the group laugh
" actually I have 5 jay " Herman said proudly

" so Kim when are you and Adam going to finally have kids " Stella asked
The whole group gave her a look as she was so blunt about asking
" I really want kids but I sacred it's to late and I don't even know if Adam wants kids we never talk about it" Kim said sadly
" you just need to talk about it with him Kim I mean you would be a amazing mum and you and Adam would be great parents " Natalie said while rubbing her shoulder
" just go and ask him Kim " Brett said
" she won't do it " gabby said laughing
" ok then " Kim said while getting up and making over to the guys table. While Kim was approaching all the guys were making faces at Adam and telling him that this is his time to tell her. When Kim arrived at the table she didn't hesitate and grabbed him and started making out with him and whispered in his ear
" meet me in the bathroom in 5 " she said as she made her way to the bathroom
Adam quickly followed her and closed the door behind them.
" I betcha $10 they get pregnant by the end of the year" said jay
" your so on halsted " Kelly said

I hope you guys like this chapter sorry for the bad spelling and how long it is

Madilyn x

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