Everything goes back

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Adams POV -

After we found out that we are having 3 babies I was pretty nervous to be honest you know as I have to be a dad to 3 but the more that I think about it I feel actually exited . I've always wanted to have a big family ever since I was a kid and now I guess that it's coming true. Things have been going great for me and Kim recently as we have not fought since the day before I found out that she was pregnant and now we only have to weight a little bit longer before I'm able to meet my kids.

Kims POV -

The days have been going fast but honesty they feel like there never moving . I can't wait to meet my kids but god I wish that they would hurry up as ik huge now. It's been months since I've been able to see my feet but I mean I am having 3 kids so I guess that makes sense. I've only told my closest friends and family that I'm having 3 and they are all super exited and so supportive. Adam and the guys have been amazing with helping to get the baby's room ready it looks amazing with the three cribs all lined it and pictures of the sonograms above them. I'm really exited and can't wait

3 weeks later -

Jason and Melissa's ( Kim's parents ) POV-

I can't wait to have another few baby's around the house. We only have to children Nicole our oldest who has a child of her own but we don't see or talk to them much and Kim our youngest who has now got 3 of her own on the way. Me and Kim don't have the best relationship but I guess that all started when they were kids. I really want t reach out to her so that we can get to know our daughter more and to meet our grandchildren. But I just don't know how Kim will react.

Kim's POV -

Adams been really busy at work recently and the case that he is one right now is quite big. I don't like knowing that someone could happen to adam while I'm close to my due date. As he was not home I had to drive myself to the store. Adam does not like me driving as I'm so big and that it's close to my due date but at this point I really didn't have any other options as I could not walk for 10 mins. When I was passing the junction i notated a car coming right for me and the corner of my eye and as I tried to look at what was happening everything went black.

Note - I'm sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger but I've got a good idea for the next part I'm not doing much today so I will try and gat another chapter out today as well thanks so much for reading

Madilyn x

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