Return to the workplace

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I'm hiding in a cupboard.

Away from my colleagues,

I know we should socialise.

It has been ages since the lockdowns. We have to get all to know each other again. You can escape online and lie about your internet connection. So I also am hiding from my colleagues.

His, of course, the gym guy. Your tall, good looking one. And the one where you want to rip his shirt off. And then push him on a swivel desk chair. See how much he works out. But no, I'm in the supply closet with a plentiful supply of toilet roll paper. Or we can have a steamy moment in this closet. People should be fine while we are here. They don't need supplies; they can go and buy them. Oh, Boris!!

And then there is sweet Ned. Oh, you just want to go on a date. A nice romantic dinner. With the cute one, you show him to your friends. And possibly some of your family. But no, he is already taken. And has a sweet five-year-old. The pain.

Then there is Ellie, who is really annoying. But you have to sit through her chatting away. So I'm going to put a mask on so she can't see my expressions. And I can say it's because of the pandemic.

"Maddie", I hear my name called out. I feel my chest rising and falling. I stay very still not to move. "Has anyone seen Maddie?" I hear the lady say.


I only moved a little. Then everything fell on me. And then Jan, the boss, opens the door. I'm going to die. The basket on my head hides my blushing. With its tiny holes, Ned and Boris can see me. Dig my grave now. I will be down in twenty to forty minutes. They can lie me on the table and wait for me to finish. I can feel Ellie is nearby. I don't have to see her know.

"I didn't know we had a new office space", Jan laughed. I know it wasn't a horrible one. "And everyone else carries on", looking at everyone else. "Come into the office with me. You can bring the basket too". I walk into the office.

"So sorry, please don't fire me", I begged her.

"I won't fire you, don't worry", she chuckled. "It's hard to adjust back to the office, isn't it?" She asked. I nodded with my basket head.

I sigh. "Yeah, it is. I was really anxious about it all. So I went to calm down in the cupboard," I explained. It is true everyone moving around. Hearing old sounds that feel new. Not wandering around the house aimlessly. Or learning to queue again for the toilets.

"Go home. You're not fired and have a break. You can come in once a week, so I know you are alive," Jan comforts me.

So I went home. And felt drained by it all. I lay on the sofa. And fell asleep for an afternoon nap.

It has been two months now. And I can go to the office without dying either by blushing or embarrassment. I can walk past Boris and Ned and not die. So I'm starting to do two days now, which is good to build up again. Jan has kept her word by not firing me.

I learnt after I left two people realised they weren't ready for office life. So I feel happy about that. One felt drained physically due to his disability. He wasn't used to being so much on the move. And the other one was anxious too. She was worried about socialising too.

I will be ok. I will find my balance.

Inspired by the thought of people being anxious about going back to the workplace.

And the thought of some people will struggle in a workplace before the covid 19 pandemic, due to their own reasons.

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